Shoot The Breeze

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AFL-CIO endorsed Biden and were apart of that so you could say them not officially endorsing anyone is passively going with that endorsement. But who cares, does anyone actually vote differently because natca told you to? Haha
AFL-CIO endorsed Biden and were apart of that so you could say them not officially endorsing anyone is passively going with that endorsement. But who cares, does anyone actually vote differently because natca told you to? Haha
I just find it interesting because they were huge Obama supporters, endorsed him, donated tons of money, etc..... But almost all the membership favored Obama too so it worked. For Hillary they endorsed her but it was almost comical, there was none of the fanfare and promotion they di for Obama, it was basically a bullet point in a monthly update email and that was about it. But I think they also knew about 50% of the membership favored Trump, I thought they did the half hearted Hillary endorsement to get it on the record but so not to piss off half the membership, a brilliant move.

This time I didn't even see a bullet point type Biden endorsement. Could it be because they are worried Trump will win and then work to destroy public unions? Maybe they think he will take it easier on them if they never formally endorsed his opponent?
I just find it interesting because they were huge Obama supporters, endorsed him, donated tons of money, etc..... But almost all the membership favored Obama too so it worked. For Hillary they endorsed her but it was almost comical, there was none of the fanfare and promotion they di for Obama, it was basically a bullet point in a monthly update email and that was about it. But I think they also knew about 50% of the membership favored Trump, I thought they did the half hearted Hillary endorsement to get it on the record but so not to piss off half the membership, a brilliant move.

This time I didn't even see a bullet point type Biden endorsement. Could it be because they are worried Trump will win and then work to destroy public unions? Maybe they think he will take it easier on them if they never formally endorsed his opponent?
its really a lose/lose situation, half would say told you so and half would be super upset no matter who you endorsed.
I just find it interesting because they were huge Obama supporters, endorsed him, donated tons of money, etc..... But almost all the membership favored Obama too so it worked. For Hillary they endorsed her but it was almost comical, there was none of the fanfare and promotion they di for Obama, it was basically a bullet point in a monthly update email and that was about it. But I think they also knew about 50% of the membership favored Trump, I thought they did the half hearted Hillary endorsement to get it on the record but so not to piss off half the membership, a brilliant move.

This time I didn't even see a bullet point type Biden endorsement. Could it be because they are worried Trump will win and then work to destroy public unions? Maybe they think he will take it easier on them if they never formally endorsed his opponent?
its really a lose/lose situation, half would say told you so and half would be super upset no matter who you endorsed.
^this. The election is so toxic it’s probably not worth it this year.
^this. The election is so toxic it’s probably not worth it this year.
I agree, it is interesting to see how the membership evolved then. How about 90% were in favor of Obama and last time and this year it appears to be close to 50-50. It would be interesting to see how that stacks up by facility. I wonder if at ZNY it's 90% Biden, 90% Trump in OKC, and 50-50 in ZOB.
I agree, it is interesting to see how the membership evolved then. How about 90% were in favor of Obama and last time and this year it appears to be close to 50-50. It would be interesting to see how that stacks up by facility. I wonder if at ZNY it's 90% Biden, 90% Trump in OKC, and 50-50 in ZOB.
They haven’t made an endorsement because they are lobbying, HARD, to have NATCA and its members exempted from Trump’s EO that strips all federal employees collective bargaining rights. Supposedly Mark Meadows is a big NATCA ally, although looks like Trump is pissed at him lately lol.

Obviously the NEB would prefer an administration that respects Unions and respects the federal workforce, but they aren’t going to stick their neck out in a way that would undermine our rights, pay, and benefits.
They haven’t made an endorsement because they are lobbying, HARD, to have NATCA and its members exempted from Trump’s EO that strips all federal employees collective bargaining rights. Supposedly Mark Meadows is a big NATCA ally, although looks like Trump is pissed at him lately lol.

Obviously the NEB would prefer an administration that respects Unions and respects the federal workforce, but they aren’t going to stick their neck out in a way that would undermine our rights, pay, and benefits.
Why would they be negotiating with the guy that has an 11 per cent chance to win
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