Took AT-SA today, felt like I bombed the first part of the collisions test, do I still have a chance of getting in this bid?

Haha. They're still doing that? 10+ years ago I walked out of the room thinking "well, I'm not getting that job." Think I scored a 99.8.
All I know is that I scored "Well Qualified" because that's the words the person at CAMI who is part of the test making process used. They said that no one who got hired during my bid scored lower than WQ. Who the hell knows what WQ even means anymore but I think it was 85+ on the ATSAT.
All I know is that I scored "Well Qualified" because that's the words the person at CAMI who is part of the test making process used. They said that no one who got hired during my bid scored lower than WQ. Who the hell knows what WQ even means anymore but I think it was 85+ on the ATSAT.
Technicality, but there is no more Qualified and Well-Qualified (unless that changed in the last year again.)
Band 1 is 80-100.
Band 2 is 70-79.
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