Training hold

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So just to clarify the argument...if controllers refuse to train when devs are recalled because of their fears of contracting the virus, doesn’t that just prove 32andBelow right in that the Union should have a say over what controllers do on EA days? If CPCs are going to be SO worried about getting the virus that they’ll call off in order to reduce exposure to trainees, they should also be forced to self quarantine when they’re not at work.
If controller a is doing all the right things off the clock, controller b is not, it's still on the faa/union to do its best to make sure controller a, who is concerned and attempting to do the socially responsible thing, doesn't get the covid from controller b at work regardless of what controller b does in his off time.
The move to not have trainees/non essentials in the building isn’t being made from just a “safety” standpoint but also from a traffic standpoint. Yes you have an ongoing pandemic. But as a result of that pandemic you have traffic levels that are at 50 percent or lower than what they normally are. As long as both of those things stay present, training and non essentials will remain outside the building. There is no point to introduce risk/put non essentials at risk, to train on minimal traffic and get nothing out of it. Once the risk from the pandemic subsides through either a cure/vaccine or simply going away OR traffic rises to a point that makes training worth it then you’ll get the call. Also you want a plan? It’s hard to have a plan that can be articulated to everyone when they are literally going week by week watching the pandemic unfold and monitoring traffic counts. The plan would literally change weekly. I know it’s not what you want to hear but it is what it is.
The argument for keeping trainees outside of the building due to reduced traffic is BS. It’s going to take years to get back to pre-COVID traffic levels. The debate for when trainees return should be solely based on when the FAA/Union believe it is safe from a health standpoint. If traffic counts are a factor, trainees might as well be furloughed.
The argument for keeping trainees outside of the building due to reduced traffic is BS. It’s going to take years to get back to pre-COVID traffic levels. The debate for when trainees return should be solely based on when the FAA/Union believe it is safe from a health standpoint. If traffic counts are a factor, trainees might as well be furloughed.
We aren’t even that slow now. I’m d siding and a d side is certainly needed. The faa seems to have a plan. The academy is reopening at reduced levels. Classes are being taught online. But after 4 months the collaborative group has zero cohesive message on what the strategy is. If you can run socially Distant labs in Oklahoma you can run socially distant labs at a Z. you don’t have to bring back the trainees just waiting for classes in the future but you can bring back the ones that are next up for class. Etc. Etc. You could even knock out a lab and then send them back on admin if they aren’t ready to increase people on the floor.
The argument for keeping trainees outside of the building due to reduced traffic is BS. It’s going to take years to get back to pre-COVID traffic levels. The debate for when trainees return should be solely based on when the FAA/Union believe it is safe from a health standpoint. If traffic counts are a factor, trainees might as well be furloughed.

You must not have seen the big capitalized OR in my comment. Trainees/non essentials aren’t coming back until the pandemic threat is no longer there OR traffic requires them to regardless of the virus. Trainees ain’t coming back amidst a global pandemic to train on 30-40 percent volume. Sorry just ain’t happening, there’s no point lol. Take away the pandemic threat and go ahead and train on 30-40 percent volume all day long.

Oh, and being busy cause you only have 2-3 sectors open as opposed to the normal 5-7 is not actually being busy lol. We have 4-5 people on the evening shift at my facility and yea we are busier than we were in the beginning of all this, we have to occasionally open a 3rd sector or throw a d side in, but we still are getting hour breaks with 5 cpcs compared to the normal 11-12.
If it wasn't an election cycle none of this hysteria would have happened. See the H1N1 Flu from a few years back. All we would have would be an emphasis on washing hands/hygiene, etc and being told to stay at home if you're sick. Now that it is clear that many more people are asymptomatic carriers, the hospitalization rates and mortality rates are much lower than what is being advertised. But yet we have perfectly healthy people quarantining for no reason.

It'd sure be nice to hear less fear mongering on Nov 3rd.

Its basically a flu strain which is mildly worse than influenza (which elderly people and those who have comorbidities, or are generally unhealthy die from all the time). We've made it so the cure has been worse than the virus. There was zero need to destroy the economy for this.

I don't know if I'd take it that far, though. It's at minimum ~3x as deadly as the flu. These anecdotes about random healthy 25 year olds going on ventilators is pretty intense too. I've never recalled hearing about that shit happening for influenza. Albeit, the media never hyped up influenza, so maybe it's happened and we just don't know.

One thing is for certain... when it comes to experts and CDC and WHO and all that crap, they have had no better time figuring it out than a regular ole 9 year old Facebook troll. Those memes about how dumb people are to believe Facebook posts and YouTube videos over experts... well shit, half the time those have turned out to be more accurate than the experts.
Everyone is gonna lose their shit when Pushingtin is right about everything too.
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