UFO Shootdowns over Alaska & Yukon

lol I remember the first time I saw one after the alarm. Pitch black out and I hear the C-RAM go off and see the tracer rounds. This was within 24 hours of stepping off the plane. "Can I just go back home?" was my first thought.
We didn't get them till midway thru my deployment but I'm old and that was way back in like 2007. I want to say it was a fairly new system as far as it being on a truck and not on a ship. I heard they got better later on about hitting things.
“General can you confirm what kind of propulsion device these objects use?”

“No I can not 100% confirm anything right now.”

Breaking news: General says can not rule out advanced space tech aliens with warp drives!
Lack of denial is admission, everyone knows the rules.

“Breaking news top defense personnel confirm with 100% certainty objects shot down in recent days are believed to not be from this world”
I’m going with the Aliens when they show up.
Take my girlfriend, please.
Just saw some speculation on Twitter from an Aviation journalist that what was happening was the air defense radar systems were filtering out the "objects" because of thier slow speed. They reset the filter limits and are now seeing them.

Seems both very plausible and a big time oof on the part of NORAD.
Using raw radar data has got to be like finding a needle in a needlestack. I would bet my life they're using some form of algorithm that figures out which targets are constant, over a period of time. It also seems unlikely that an aircraft without a transponder would hop the Canadian/US border (but this is a guess, somebody who works that airspace would know better), which makes it easier to identify them.

Somebody has mentioned the use of AI to filter out clutter from raw radar data. That's probably the future.
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China claiming the U.S. has been spying with balloons is just low hanging fruit. The amount of more sophisticated techniques we employ to “spy” on China far exceeds a spy balloon. Also, upper atmospheric wind patterns would suggest this is unlikely, although not impossible given our global reach.

For the meme

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