Hiring Bid Air Traffic Control Specialist - Trainee: FAA-ATO-17-ALLSRCE-53474

The thread over on stuckmic from August 2016... people waiting over a year and haven’t heard anything since their TOL last January... is this common?
The thread over on stuckmic from August 2016... people waiting over a year and haven’t heard anything since their TOL last January... is this common?

I don't think it's common, by now a majority of people hired on that bid have already gone to OKC or are about to. Some of those people are Tier 2 and some...I have no idea. Just pray for their lost souls and hope it doesn't happen to you.
Received CIL yesterday around 4pm CST. A few questions for anyone who has finished this part of the process... For work history do you have to list every single job you've ever had even if it was for only a few weeks-a month? I'm not even sure some of the smaller places I worked are still even open... And for medical I had a shoulder surgery about 10-12 years ago. Am I going to need to obtain any sort of paper work for that sort of thing? That's the only major medical thing to have happened to me in the last decade.
Received CIL yesterday around 4pm CST. A few questions for anyone who has finished this part of the process... For work history do you have to list every single job you've ever had even if it was for only a few weeks-a month? I'm not even sure some of the smaller places I worked are still even open... And for medical I had a shoulder surgery about 10-12 years ago. Am I going to need to obtain any sort of paper work for that sort of thing? That's the only major medical thing to have happened to me in the last decade.

I had two knee surgeries and I just listed the dates and that was it.
Yeah... the waiting isn’t even the hard part, it’s mostly not knowing what’s going on and if you passed... it would be easier for us if they told us we cleared everything but would just have to wait for a date...
Got my medical and drug test on monday/tuesday of next week. My current employer just got the security forms. Luckily they're cool with it
Received CIL yesterday around 4pm CST. A few questions for anyone who has finished this part of the process... For work history do you have to list every single job you've ever had even if it was for only a few weeks-a month? I'm not even sure some of the smaller places I worked are still even open... And for medical I had a shoulder surgery about 10-12 years ago. Am I going to need to obtain any sort of paper work for that sort of thing? That's the only major medical thing to have happened to me in the last decade.
I listed places i only worked at for a short time. The last thing you want is them finding out you left something off on purpose
Got my medical and drug test on monday/tuesday of next week. My current employer just got the security forms. Luckily they're cool with it
It's kind of funny/awkward they get a form saying you're trying to change jobs and there's no real date you'll stay there until. Like we'll all be thrilled if it's something like July and that's nearly half a year from now. Just something to deal with I suppose
Just got my eQIP email. Only 2 days after my EODS forms were approved.

My understanding is that the medical stuff will come later, correct? This is just the security clearance stuff right?
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