Did Nick Daniels propose extending the contract to 2029?


Trusted Contributor
AVP Wilkes-Barre Tower
Anyone have any more info on this? I know in his videos he and Jamaal said they will be opening the contract because they have the most experience and can negotiate with anyone. Then I heard at the NEB meeting proposed extending it to 2029?
Do we know for sure that Daniels instigated the idea and vote? If so Mick or whoever better expose it and clearly point the finger at him. If Daniels don’t deny it, then we can assume it’s true and yes, his campaign will be done.
Do we know for sure that Daniels instigated the idea and vote? If so Mick or whoever better expose it and clearly point the finger at him. If Daniels don’t deny it, then we can assume it’s true and yes, his campaign will be done.
Yah I never heard that nick called the vote. It sounds like rich called the vote. However you can see the rich alliance doesn’t want the extension and the nick alliance does.
Are people contacting their RVPs to know what's up with this? Is that even allowed? I've never once spoke to mine but this has me fired up enough to do it. If it's really true, we should all be contacting the RVPs that signed their name to extend, not just blame Daniels for it. But I do hope it still destroys his campaign.
My RVP held a meeting with Facreps explaining the full story and has a membership call today to do the same with everyone. I would definitely reach out to your RVP
Are people contacting their RVPs to know what's up with this? Is that even allowed? I've never once spoke to mine but this has me fired up enough to do it. If it's really true, we should all be contacting the RVPs that signed their name to extend, not just blame Daniels for it. But I do hope it still destroys his campaign.
Call or email them, they almost for sure won’t respond, but they need to know how pissed we are. The guy below has a Telcon, that would be a first if they are going to blast out info this quick on a pop up subject other then government shut downs, hopefully he posts what they say.
Call or email them, they almost for sure won’t respond, but they need to know how pissed we are. The guy below has a Telcon, that would be a first if they are going to blast out info this quick on a pop up subject other then government shut downs, hopefully he posts what they say.
I hope everyone jumps down these dudes throats. NATCA & the neb is a joke if this is true.
I still encourage everyone to reach out to their RVPs but what I was told by mine is summarized as follows:

Rich Santa went to Whitaker saying he wanted to open up contract negotiations. Whitaker said no because he doesn’t have the resources because there are around 8 different contracts being negotiated by the government right now so all the lawyers are tied up with that. Whitaker said what he can offer is extending the Slate Book until 2029 with the option of a mutual reopening in 2026. Rich brought the offer to the NEB. The NEB unanimously voted to table the decision until they could gather more information (basically get an idea if Trump is going to win). Some were concerned that Whitaker may give Rich an ultimatum of either accept this now or you will have negotiate in 2026 regardless. Nick Daniels motioned a vote on what they should do if Rich was given this ultimatum. They voted 7-4 to approve (Nick being one of the 7) the extension if it was an ultimatum situation.
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I still encourage everyone to reach out to their RVPs but what I was told by mine is summarized as follows:

Rich Santa went to Whitaker saying he wanted to open up contract negotiations. Whitaker said no because he doesn’t have the resources because there are around 8 different contracts being negotiated by the government right now so all the lawyers are tied up with that. Whitaker said what he can offer is extending the Slate Book until 2029 with the option of a mutual reopening in 2026. Rich brought the offer to the NEB. The NEB unanimously voted to table the decision until they could gather more information (basically get an idea if Trump is going to win). Some were concerned that Whitaker may give Rich an ultimatum of either accept this now or you will have negotiate in 2026 regardless. Nick Daniels motioned a vote on what they should do if Rich was given this ultimatum. They voted 7-4 to approve (Nick being one of the 7) the extension if it was an ultimatum situation.
I heard there wasn't even an offer or conversation about an extension from Whitaker. It was all a Rich hypothetical situation.

I don't think the FAA is even interested in offering an extension at this point. I think they want to go to the table. We have essentially zero support from the Executive branch at this point anyway. It will be the FAA vs Us, even with Biden still in office. And the FAA hates us.
I heard there wasn't even an offer or conversation about an extension from Whitaker. It was all a Rich hypothetical situation.

I don't think the FAA is even interested in offering an extension at this point. I think they want to go to the table. We have essentially zero support from the Executive branch at this point anyway. It will be the FAA vs Us, even with Biden still in office. And the FAA hates us.
Rich said with his own mouth on camera that he was offered this extension
I wonder if they have discussed the angle of combining us with Staff or Region X or both, and not needing more lawyers to work the negotiations. Consolidating contracts.
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I was told Rich went to Whitaker saying you have these two other books (purple and whatever the other one is) open right now, why don’t we open up the slate book and that was Whittaker’s response.
I wonder if they have discussed the angle of combining is with Staff or Region X or both, and not needing more lawyers to work the negotiations.
They need to make like a power move at some point and force the issue. which it sounds like the rich alliance might want to do. But the nick alliance does not.
The only article they need to open is pay. Or if they will get a pay bump for the purple book just do a stipulation that it applies to the slate book too. I’m sure it’s probably not that simple but I’m sure there are ways to get that done.

If the contract is extended until 2029 there I’ll not be a scenario where mutually they will agree to open in 26’. If Trump wins NATCA won’t, if Biden wins the FAA won’t.
If the contract is extended until 2029 there I’ll not be a scenario where mutually they will agree to open in 26’. If Trump wins NATCA won’t, if Biden wins the FAA won’t.
Kinda what I was thinking as well. Why bother opening it if the FAA doesn’t have to. If Biden is still in they don’t really have motivation. It’s definitely gonna cost them.
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