"Internal Union Business"


Comrade Commissar
Command Center
To me the phrase "Internal Union Business" seems to run parallel to the old saying "A Matter of Internal Security." An exchange occurred this morning about statements that were made publicly by a Candidate concerning a "Dressing-Down" a former EVP/RVP received from Paul Rinaldi. One of the reasons pointSixtyFive was founded, not just as a controller resource, is to also promote Transparency.

The mentality and actions of the current NEB continue to be one of "toting the party line" or you will, inevitably it seems, have your character assassinated to such a degree that further efforts to take part in NATCA will not be possible, though this is another story.

Censorship has no place here as the following screenshots are posted in their entirety (at the time of this posting) for you to decide. You the members must hold your RVP's and the NEB accountable for their actions. Censoring members of the NEB, dressing them down for not following or agreeing with the party, relentless berating them in to submission to a single idea where dissent or a different opinion is not tolerated, is abhorrent to me both as a person and a controller.

Most of this of course occurred long before our time in the FAA, but if we are to move forward discussions/different opinions/ and perspectives must be considered without fear of retaliation or minimizing our involvement to make this Union better. We all share a common goal, but as it stands you either agree with the Party or are cast out.
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Can you post a better pic of the screenshot Bryan posted? When I zoom in it blurs out and I can't read it
This election stuff is getting nasty!!! When is the vote again? I wonder if Zilonis actually has a chance???

June 25th is when voting starts, register online and save the Union money by doing it electronically. All depends on voter turn out, hopefully it’s better than the vote on the Slate book.
"Bryan, I am very disappointed in the path you have chosen for your election platform. Specifically, this choice to share emails from within the NEB like this. Whether at the National, regional, or local level, the trust of open and honest discussion amongst team members is vital when discussing issues. The fact that you have chosen to share anything from the National executive board private list is disheartening and should raise alarm bells for all members.

Leadership at the highest levels hear private info from members/reps from across the country and you have now shown your trust is for sale. It has nothing to do with transparency, it’s knowing team members don’t have to filter themselves in the heat of the moment because you trust each-other that it stays right there and work through the issue before it goes out." - Nate Pair, ZLA FacRep

"This is what Paul was responding to. This awesome message from a previous board member. Gone from the private email of Paul responding to a massive insult that Bryan reposted are his (Bryan’s) nasty comments about Randy for working for contractors that are doing OUR JOBS. Twisting facts again.

The meeting was closed session and it wasn’t to tear people apart is was to try and get common ground. Paul and Trish called the meeting for the very thing you say they spread fear about. They wanted to discuss dissenting points of views in a PRIVATE setting. (CLOSED SESSION) Only one time did the conversation get heated and it was Paul that reigned it back in and said we didn’t ask our previous officials there to get yelled at. Never did he curse out anyone. I recall a robust discussion that let all get their views out. There was no need to apologize for anything at the end of the meeting.

We should have the ability to have private conversations and talk about the things going on in this union and the things that affect it without fear of it being used to some end other than its intended use. Like an election...

There are lies to the membership being spread, but it’s not coming from Paul or Trish." - Clint Lancaster, RVP

I attached the picture Clint Posted.


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Unfortunately, like everything related to this election, this website only has the posts that benefit Zilonis. I encourage everyone interested in this to find the thread and read both sides of it. You don't have to be friends with Marinitti to see it.
Unfortunately, like everything related to this election, this website only has the posts that benefit Zilonis. I encourage everyone interested in this to find the thread and read both sides of it. You don't have to be friends with Marinitti to see it.
I thought I read the entire thing, was there a response from paul or trish that I missed?
If you only read what was posted here then you missed posts from many people
No, I read the entire facebook comment section. Lots of RVPs and facreps terrified to do anything except support paul. I really couldn't care less for what they have to say (I'd probably have to support paul too in their situation lest I get my career ruined)
No, I read the entire facebook comment section. Lots of RVPs and facreps terrified to do anything except support paul. I really couldn't care less for what they have to say (I'd probably have to support paul too in their situation lest I get my career ruined)

This is such an insulting thing to say. The reason most of us that are involved regionally and nationally support Paul is because we support Paul. Saying that we are all compromising our integrity and are afraid to speak out is ignorant and belittling.
Unfortunately, like everything related to this election, this website only has the posts that benefit Zilonis. I encourage everyone interested in this to find the thread and read both sides of it. You don't have to be friends with Marinitti to see it.

Everyone is welcome to post, I do not censor people here like the r/ATC Reddit, I have not updated the post yet because I’ve been working ?. Here is the actual link if you wish to read everything in its entirety.

James Marinitti

A few people though have made the observation that this will fuel the fire instead of putting it out.
At the time of the original posting, I had posted the information available. What I find troubling through out this whole thing is that 2 of the RVP’s that are speaking out have absolutely nothing to lose what so ever, nor am I inclined to think that they would do anything “for shits and giggles” if they did not feel a lot of things were wrong. Previous NEB members seem to lend credence to that school of thought, especially with the way multiple issues in the past have been handled.

As far as this section posting only “Pro Zilonis” items, I welcome you to post things from Paul and Trish. They have a social media machine that is unavailable to any of the candidates along with a legion of supporters who instantly bash anyone that attacks them. Regardless of who you support, please feel free to post things, discussion should be encouraged and different thoughts listened to.
I also feel Paul’s transparency on issues leaves much to be desired. One only has to look at the Union LM2’s to see what I am talking about. The whole way privatisation was pushed, NATCA driving the bus (I remind you to look at the congressional testimony), and the birth of NCEPT are some major issues of this election. Induibitably things will results into personal attacks such as he said/she said, but it gets even harder when emails and proof is produced. This is the second email posted where Paul has used similar language to attack a member, it is inexcusable, privately or publicly to do such things.
If everyone in the room does nothing but nod their head in agreement to something, there is a bigger issue on hand. Either through a carefully cultivated culture of fear or everyone is just not thinking. 10 people do not look at the same issue with the same mindset or same set of eyes.
This is such an insulting thing to say. The reason most of us that are involved regionally and nationally support Paul is because we support Paul. Saying that we are all compromising our integrity and are afraid to speak out is ignorant and belittling.

I didn't mean to imply that none of the RVP's actually support paul (I'm sure many do). I'm saying that anyone in NATCA with a brain knows that there are going to be severe consequences for disagreeing with the current president, and that is true ten times over if you do it on a public forum like a facebook wall that everyone can see. Just look at how he goes ballistic on people for simple differences of opinion. Bryan has also said that supporting paul will have no negative consequences should he become president, which makes it even more politically savvy to get behind paul due to the lack of repercussions.

Also, you don't get to speak for everyone who is involved at the regional level and higher. You have no place telling me the reasons people choose to get involved at the upper echelons of the union because you don't know. Stop speaking for people as if you know their every desire and aspiration. They might support paul, they might not. I highly doubt most of them ran for those positions just because they want to be closer up the NATCA ladder to paul. They might just want to be in a position of influence so that they can serve their electorate as best they can, to effect change, or to run for president themselves one day.

I really don't care if what I'm saying insults you. From what I can see and what I've experienced in this agency, it's the truth. Getting blacklisted is absolutely a real thing with the current leadership. People have absolutely had their normal work environments rendered utterly miserable for union-related issues by toxic coworkers with this "you're with us or against us" attitude.
Unfortunately, like everything related to this election, this website only has the posts that benefit Zilonis. I encourage everyone interested in this to find the thread and read both sides of it. You don't have to be friends with Marinitti to see it.
You or anyone else are free to post whatever you want to. Any implication to the contrary is false.
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