NATCA Stands in Solidarity with Flight Attendants

There were emails and texts floating around about how he had management in his pocket and how he'd do all he could to prevent controllers moving into sup positions and such. I'm surprised to see he's still in some sort of natca position after the investigation
Sounds like he is doing his job to me. NATCA literally discourages people from becoming supes. Our reps absolutely should be fighting deviations to non-BUE positions. We don't need more traffic dodgers doing paperwork.
Sounds like he is doing his job to me. NATCA literally discourages people from becoming supes. Our reps absolutely should be fighting deviations to non-BUE positions. We don't need more traffic dodgers doing paperwork.
Where will they get sups if not from Natca members? You want all the non members who hate Natca and maybe it’s members to be promoted? You want to stop one of the few remaining ways for people to advance their careers or get home because NCEPT and the national release policy are garbage?

I would much rather have a sup who was/is pro Natca and just wanted a change in their routine, a hefty 15% raise or to get to a location they wanted to be.
Where will they get sups if not from Natca members? You want all the non members who hate Natca and maybe it’s members to be promoted? You want to stop one of the few remaining ways for people to advance their careers or get home because NCEPT and the national release policy are garbage?

I would much rather have a sup who was/is pro Natca and just wanted a change in their routine, a hefty 15% raise or to get to a location they wanted to be.
Yah I’ve never gotten this. Shouldn’t we want friendly people to negotiate with?
Sounds like he is doing his job to me. NATCA literally discourages people from becoming supes. Our reps absolutely should be fighting deviations to non-BUE positions. We don't need more traffic
Yeah, there's a difference in "discourage" and intentionally inhibiting BUE's endeavors to provide for their family more adequately, get better days off, pay, etc.


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Where will they get sups if not from Natca members? You want all the non members who hate Natca and maybe it’s members to be promoted? You want to stop one of the few remaining ways for people to advance their careers or get home because NCEPT and the national release policy are garbage?

I would much rather have a sup who was/is pro Natca and just wanted a change in their routine, a hefty 15% raise or to get to a location they wanted to be.
The best sup in my area is the one who transferred here because she couldn’t get out of her 60% staffed facility. She didn’t want it but that was her only way home. Everyone loves working with her cuz she didn’t do it for the power or money.
"I can't leave my facility/get where I want to be/advance my career"

"I don't get paid enough"

"The scheduling and OT affect my family life/make me miserable"

"Im tired of being shit on by higher ups"

"My union isn't doing anything to fix these things"

*someone takes a job that fixes one or more of these things*

I have to tell you about my work commute during this class bro... It is like 20 feet.
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