NATCA Stands in Solidarity with Flight Attendants

Why would you want to be an air traffic controller again? Seems you have it pretty good
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.
Nice deflection
I have to learn from someone right? But in all fairness, it is an answer in itself.

Many people are afraid to try something different or leave ATC (temporary though it might be), so I sought outside (but still DoD /FAA) options that gave way to a better schedule.

Now I am able to attend various FAA classes, pick up skills, and garner experience that otherwise would have been impossible to pickup while on the boards. You cannot even get spot leave approved, why would management approve leave for additional classes?

Basic Accident Investigations for instance is one I had the chance to attend, I have sat in on multiple SRT’s at HQ, and now am attending another agency class (learning a skill with software) that has far reaching implications on a potential career after retirement.

None of this could be accomplished by being on the boards. All of this has led to being a semi (I shall never say I am perfect) well rounded individual with various skills that a future facility could utilise.

People bitch and bitch about Quality of Life (QoL) but do not want to do anything about it until staring down the barrel of divorce or are too old to experience those special moments with their children. I will NOT have that problem.

TLDR: To each his own, do what makes you happy.
"I can't leave my facility/get where I want to be/advance my career"

"I don't get paid enough"

"The scheduling and OT affect my family life/make me miserable"

"Im tired of being shit on by higher ups"

"My union isn't doing anything to fix these things"

*someone takes a job that fixes one or more of these things*

You cast a massive net with that strawman, but becoming a supe doesn’t fix any of these except leaving a facility.
You cast a massive net with that strawman, but becoming a supe doesn’t fix any of these except leaving a facility.
While true a 15% raise can be massive for some folks. $30,000 if your in a 12 band. Plus you get the pay raise right away while us laborers only get 50% on the go for some dumb fucking reason.

I work double the overtime as a sup does at my facility.

The yearly pay raise some sups get can be crazy. 7%+. A couple raises like that will get you to the cap many years before being a controller will.

This won’t fix the union not doing anything but it will stop it from being your problem. And you dues.
While true a 15% raise can be massive for some folks. $30,000 if your in a 12 band. Plus you get the pay raise right away while us laborers only get 50% on the go for some dumb fucking reason.

I work double the overtime as a sup does at my facility.

The yearly pay raise some sups get can be crazy. 7%+. A couple raises like that will get you to the cap many years before being a controller will.

This won’t fix the union not doing anything but it will stop it from being your problem. And you dues.
Yes sups can get larger raises than controllers if they get rated appropriately. It’s still all based off the presidential raise though. So yea some sups got 7% but all controllers got roughly 5% for just showing up, plus the 1.6%. There are sups that get less than controllers on a yearly basis because they are losers. You have to meet whatever your atms bullshit criteria is for the bigger raise.
You cast a massive net with that strawman, but becoming a supe doesn’t fix any of these except leaving a facility.
The irony between calling this a strawman and your handle is not lost on me.

Does it work for everyone (or should it?) No.

But at this point don't hate the player hate the game. Can't fault anyone for looking out for number 1 in whatever form that takes (for that individual, and their goals) while at the same time saying collectivism is getting you nowhere with bargaining for pay, working conditions etc.

That's just self flaggelation. You can be miserable together or you can do what you have to do to be happy yourself in your career, life, whatever. At the end of the day no matter what position you fill you are a replaceable number on a spreadsheet to your employer/the union so why break yourself for them if you can make changes that make your life better?

I can say personally not being covered under the natca umbrella and still a fed employee my hours are better, my working conditions are better, my pay is the same (better, actually, by a decent bit) I'm working in gym shorts 4 days a week, i have oppurtunities for advancement and career progression in multiple directions/tracks/agencies while not being bound by a shitty release policy and my outside of work life is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better. Why let all the bullshit drag you down if you don't live for the boards?
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The irony between calling this a strawman and your handle is not lost on me.

Does it work for everyone (or should it?) No.

But at this point don't hate the player hate the game. Can't fault anyone for looking out for number 1 in whatever form that takes (for that individual, and their goals) while at the same time saying collectivism is getting you nowhere with bargaining for pay, working conditions etc.

That's just self flaggelation. You can be miserable together or you can do what you have to do to be happy yourself in your career, life, whatever. At the end of the day no matter what position you fill you are a replaceable number on a spreadsheet to your employer/the union so why break yourself for them if you can make changes that make your life better?

I can say personally not being covered under the natca umbrella and still a fed employee my hours are better, my working conditions are better, my pay is the same (better, actually, by a decent bit) I'm working in gym shorts 4 days a week, i have oppurtunities for advancement and career progression in multiple directions/tracks/agencies while not being bound by a shitty release policy and my outside of work life is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better. Why let all the bullshit drag you down if you don't live for the boards?
No one is judging anyone for doing what’s right for them. It’s just funny people come on here and shit on things they aren’t even a part of. I guess some people just can’t let things go 🤷🏼‍♂️
The irony between calling this a strawman and your handle is not lost on me.

Does it work for everyone (or should it?) No.

But at this point don't hate the player hate the game. Can't fault anyone for looking out for number 1 in whatever form that takes (for that individual, and their goals) while at the same time saying collectivism is getting you nowhere with bargaining for pay, working conditions etc.

That's just self flaggelation. You can be miserable together or you can do what you have to do to be happy yourself in your career, life, whatever. At the end of the day no matter what position you fill you are a replaceable number on a spreadsheet to your employer/the union so why break yourself for them if you can make changes that make your life better?

I can say personally not being covered under the natca umbrella and still a fed employee my hours are better, my working conditions are better, my pay is the same (better, actually, by a decent bit) I'm working in gym shorts 4 days a week, i have oppurtunities for advancement and career progression in multiple directions/tracks/agencies while not being bound by a shitty release policy and my outside of work life is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better. Why let all the bullshit drag you down if you don't live for the boards?
Tldr, I just want a raise. I like being a controller and I’m good at it so all your mental gymnastics do not apply to me. Being a supe would be hell, also, I’m 2 years from being capped out at a 12 regardless..

fwiw i dont care what anyone else does career wise, it's their right. i have a small handful of supe friends. It's understandable people have to do what is best for their personal situation. supervisors and all the other extra curricular jobs are needed to support the most important job in the nas: The air traffic controller
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The irony between calling this a strawman and your handle is not lost on me.

Does it work for everyone (or should it?) No.

But at this point don't hate the player hate the game. Can't fault anyone for looking out for number 1 in whatever form that takes (for that individual, and their goals) while at the same time saying collectivism is getting you nowhere with bargaining for pay, working conditions etc.

That's just self flaggelation. You can be miserable together or you can do what you have to do to be happy yourself in your career, life, whatever. At the end of the day no matter what position you fill you are a replaceable number on a spreadsheet to your employer/the union so why break yourself for them if you can make changes that make your life better?

I can say personally not being covered under the natca umbrella and still a fed employee my hours are better, my working conditions are better, my pay is the same (better, actually, by a decent bit) I'm working in gym shorts 4 days a week, i have oppurtunities for advancement and career progression in multiple directions/tracks/agencies while not being bound by a shitty release policy and my outside of work life is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better. Why let all the bullshit drag you down if you don't live for the boards?

I’ve had this conversation multiple times with many of my controller friends… what would we rather reflect back on as we lay on our deathbeds?

1. Happy work-life balance with family at the focal point.

2. The glory of “working the boards” for a couple decades with the ability to brag that we retired as air traffic controllers with a couple divorces and liver disease.

I’m obviously being overly dramatic but GC said it best. Do what makes you happy.. and for God’s sake, avoid participating in the complaining because it is a choice at the end of the day.
The irony between calling this a strawman and your handle is not lost on me.

Does it work for everyone (or should it?) No.

But at this point don't hate the player hate the game. Can't fault anyone for looking out for number 1 in whatever form that takes (for that individual, and their goals) while at the same time saying collectivism is getting you nowhere with bargaining for pay, working conditions etc.

That's just self flaggelation. You can be miserable together or you can do what you have to do to be happy yourself in your career, life, whatever. At the end of the day no matter what position you fill you are a replaceable number on a spreadsheet to your employer/the union so why break yourself for them if you can make changes that make your life better?

I can say personally not being covered under the natca umbrella and still a fed employee my hours are better, my working conditions are better, my pay is the same (better, actually, by a decent bit) I'm working in gym shorts 4 days a week, i have oppurtunities for advancement and career progression in multiple directions/tracks/agencies while not being bound by a shitty release policy and my outside of work life is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better. Why let all the bullshit drag you down if you don't live for the boards?
To each their own.
I'll take the early retirement.
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