NCEPT 2023 All Time Numbers Sheet

Hey all,

Didn't see that anyone had done this yet.
I scraped together a bunch of data about NCEPT since its inception and made a thing.
Added some useful metrics for sorting (sort by largest losses per cpc target for the revolving doors).

I do not guarantee it is 100% accurate, but it should be very close.
Not going to put current staffing since that is a very dynamic number, used "CPC TARGET" for calculations.

Feedback is welcome.



Moral of the story, don’t go to an up/down if you have a choice and want to transfer at some point.
A lot of those places, it's the fault of the facility, not NCEPT. There in no reason for SHV to be at zero when BTR, LFT, and MLU are releasing. Same thing for FAY compared to GSP and AVL.
A lot of those places, it's the fault of the facility, not NCEPT. There in no reason for SHV to be at zero when BTR, LFT, and MLU are releasing. Same thing for FAY compared to GSP and AVL.
hardships at many if not all of them are the reason. and i don't want to hear about the placement process, because those facilities would have the same problems in the procees were changed to anything other than what it is, including local direct hires. im not saying dont try but hardly anyone will want to stay at SHV, BTR, LFT, MLU once they can hear they can make more money nearly anywhere else.

where is the hardship info to show their real impact?
hardships at many if not all of them are the reason. and i don't want to hear about the placement process, because those facilities would have the same problems in the procees were changed to anything other than what it is, including local direct hires. im not saying dont try but hardly anyone will want to stay at SHV, BTR, LFT, MLU once they can hear they can make more money nearly anywhere else.

where is the hardship info to show their real impact?
Hardship info is a little harder to track and doesn’t always show up on the placement lists
Hardship info is a little harder to track and doesn’t always show up on the placement lists
i know that. but someone has more time than you or i can figure that out. but the release info provided will always be incomplete without it or be able to adequately portray whats going on without it. there have been approx 3k releases and 1k hardships. its hard to see the full pictures without approx 1 quarter being left out.
2,742 ERR transfers in the past few years seems like NCEPT is working. Around 14,000 controllers per the FAA. That means about 20% of the workforce has ERRed and that's not including hardships. Those facilities with 0 releases are probably due to hardships (I know FAY is one of them). Then you include all the supe bids people take and other shit. Seems like a lot of movement is happening despite what the doom and gloomers on this site say.
2,742 ERR transfers in the past few years seems like NCEPT is working. Around 14,000 controllers per the FAA. That means about 20% of the workforce has ERRed and that's not including hardships. Those facilities with 0 releases are probably due to hardships (I know FAY is one of them). Then you include all the supe bids people take and other shit. Seems like a lot of movement is happening despite what the doom and gloomers on this site say.
We found Rich Santa’s Alias
2,742 ERR transfers in the past few years seems like NCEPT is working. Around 14,000 controllers per the FAA. That means about 20% of the workforce has ERRed and that's not including hardships. Those facilities with 0 releases are probably due to hardships (I know FAY is one of them). Then you include all the supe bids people take and other shit. Seems like a lot of movement is happening despite what the doom and gloomers on this site say.
Yeah idk why people complain. There's a dude at LAS that shares his name with a superbowl winning QB. He has transferred 14 times since he was hired in '06. At least 7 of them took place during the ncept era. It's truly impressive. He should come on here and teach people his ways. Granted, he's done 5 stints at LAS and many of his stints away were only 3-4 month long vacations. Think of all that free COS leave though! Anyway, if it's possible for him to move that much, the system is clearly working well.
Yeah idk why people complain. There's a dude at LAS that shares his name with a superbowl winning QB. He has transferred 14 times since he was hired in '06. At least 7 of them took place during the ncept era. It's truly impressive. He should come on here and teach people his ways. Granted, he's done 5 stints at LAS and many of his stints away were only 3-4 month long vacations. Think of all that free COS leave though! Anyway, if it's possible for him to move that much, the system is clearly working well.
How do you guys feel about regional NCEPT reps transferring? Should it be allowed or is it a conflict of interest and unjust enrichment based on your position
How do you guys feel about regional NCEPT reps transferring? Should it be allowed or is it a conflict of interest and unjust enrichment based on your position
Funny you mention that honestly. I was wondering how the pay works with that. The mountain regional ncept rep was at ZDV and then got selected for DEN recently. I know the ncept regional rep in my region is on a full time art 114 detail and doesn't work traffic so I could imagine it's a similar situation for the mountain rep. Does he just get a 4% half on the go raise without ever having to step foot in the building while also impacting their projected numbers? Pretty sweet gig for that guy
Yeah idk why people complain. There's a dude at LAS that shares his name with a superbowl winning QB. He has transferred 14 times since he was hired in '06. At least 7 of them took place during the ncept era. It's truly impressive. He should come on here and teach people his ways. Granted, he's done 5 stints at LAS and many of his stints away were only 3-4 month long vacations. Think of all that free COS leave though! Anyway, if it's possible for him to move that much, the system is clearly working well.
I know him! Came through one of the facilities I worked at. Never even trained a day. Hung out in the cbi lab before he disappeared off to his next facility.
I know him! Came through one of the facilities I worked at. Never even trained a day. Hung out in the cbi lab before he disappeared off to his next facility.
Looking at his timeline is honestly mind blowing. How is he still employed? And moving that much seems like such a pain in the ass. None of it makes any sense
Yeah idk why people complain. There's a dude at LAS that shares his name with a superbowl winning QB. He has transferred 14 times since he was hired in '06. At least 7 of them took place during the ncept era. It's truly impressive. He should come on here and teach people his ways. Granted, he's done 5 stints at LAS and many of his stints away were only 3-4 month long vacations. Think of all that free COS leave though! Anyway, if it's possible for him to move that much, the system is clearly working well.
A lot of his were hardships / training withdrawals
Funny you mention that honestly. I was wondering how the pay works with that. The mountain regional ncept rep was at ZDV and then got selected for DEN recently. I know the ncept regional rep in my region is on a full time art 114 detail and doesn't work traffic so I could imagine it's a similar situation for the mountain rep. Does he just get a 4% half on the go raise without ever having to step foot in the building while also impacting their projected numbers? Pretty sweet gig for that guy
Regional NCEPT reps are appointed volunteers with no official time.
hardships at many if not all of them are the reason. and i don't want to hear about the placement process, because those facilities would have the same problems in the procees were changed to anything other than what it is, including local direct hires. im not saying dont try but hardly anyone will want to stay at SHV, BTR, LFT, MLU once they can hear they can make more money nearly anywhere else.

where is the hardship info to show their real impact?
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Yeah idk why people complain. There's a dude at LAS that shares his name with a superbowl winning QB. He has transferred 14 times since he was hired in '06. At least 7 of them took place during the ncept era. It's truly impressive. He should come on here and teach people his ways. Granted, he's done 5 stints at LAS and many of his stints away were only 3-4 month long vacations. Think of all that free COS leave though! Anyway, if it's possible for him to move that much, the system is clearly working well.
He's been at my facility too. Slept in the training department everyday and then just withdrew after a couple months. I don't think he ever started training on the floor. Would do just like 1 test a day.
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