You know what really grinds my gears...

When a sup denies a shift change due to staffing, but says you can take AL for your shift if you want to.
When Supervisors deny credit at 0530 for a 0630 shift with 3 sick hits.

Fuzzy ATC math:

1 sick hit = "you guys are only screwing yerself"
2 sick hits= "was there a party last night or somethin? You know the absence of a pattern is itself a pattern right? SL letters are def coming back"
3 sick hits = 1 OT called. "There, I got you guys OT". ?
4 sick hits = 1 OT and several called in early or held over.
5 sick hits = LGA. Yay shutdown over.

Its like the secret "go for 2" card in the NFL!

5th person be like...


Guy likes to pretend to know quite a bit. Quick wiki search and out comes the barf.
ROC is a very SUBurban and Kodak and Xerox have been a complete nonfactor for 20 years. There's exactly 40 government jobs in that city and the entire economy is centralized around universities and medical technology.

Mmm yes yes mmhmm. Very interesting facts indeed ?

I HATE when your leave request sits there for a month with the numbers met and no reason to deny it but the sup's wait until 3 days before so they can have the weather forecast and then deny it cuz now there's gonna be weather. I already bought tickets, son. Better hit that OT list.
I HATE when your leave request sits there for a month with the numbers met and no reason to deny it but the sup's wait until 3 days before so they can have the weather forecast and then deny it cuz now there's gonna be weather. I already bought tickets, son. Better hit that OT list.
3 days? Ours wait until the morning of to protect for sick hits.
Isn't there something in the contract that say it has to be acted on within a certain number of hours of being requested?

Yeah but seems if you push that they just start denying "based on staffing and workload", which ofc is arbitrary, and say they'll review it "when its closer". A fine line all around, w a pinch of potential bad faith.
Including you banging out because your annual wasn’t approved right?

Its possible that the stress of not being treated fair & equitably by capricious overlords, acted as catalyst for a malaise that rendered him unfit for operational duties. Thats happened to me many times.

I was accusing you of using wiki for your post.

would be hella weird to have to Wiki a city i have friends and family in that ive visited countless times! Thats a bizarre accusation but i'll take it as badge of honor thx
Non ATC related... Coming home at 3am from some relaxing night fishing, you turn on the TV and BOOM! Freaking 700 club / CBN with that old crusty guy in your face!

?? Seriously?! I yelled hail Satan just to make the old guy shutter in his sleep wherever he is and changed the channel... Then vented here.

#nolivesmatter #metal

Yesterday while I’m working 3 different times guys from the same flight school (not local) called me not 5 miles from the vfr towered airport they departed from asking for flight following. None of them seemed to have any clue they could make that request with the tower they took off from not 5 minutes prior....really?
Yesterday while I’m working 3 different times guys from the same flight school (not local) called me not 5 miles from the vfr towered airport they departed from asking for flight following. None of them seemed to have any clue they could make that request with the tower they took off from not 5 minutes prior....really?

Had this happen last week except I was in the tower. Guy took off wanted to go westbound, waited til he got out of the a/s he asked for a frequency change, I asked if by chance he happened to be looking for practice approaches to our neighboring airport and he said yes... well, they were on a west operation so he had to turn around and fly 10-15 miles back the other way because he didn’t tell us out the gate ??‍♂️
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