Terminal Class pass rate

Is this the order of priority as well? FAI fell back considering it was on the list last week as well
I think so....it was straight down the placement list from top to bottom. Not 100% sure if that's the order the students will get it though.
Sorry that wasn't very clear. It will only show up on a class' list if someone requested an OCONUS and it was in the top 250 of the PPT.

I know what you meant. iirc JB said the two on the list weren’t requested.

He also talked about a girl getting stuck with it and quitting(idk how recent). But I’m starting to think a lot of the stories here aren’t true.
That's the ground controller's problem. That's not Local's fault so Local wouldn't lose any points.

So I know this is old but just so people know what sometimes happens at the academy one person in my class failed on his last LC run because of this exact scenario. Didn't get any points back at all. Ground didn't get points off because his evaluator determined that the vehicle crossed the runway due to a computer issue.
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