ATSA Compilation

Well... pretty sure I did not do well on that. Collision was definitely faster than I anticipated. And I just absolutely hate the logic and association questions. Here's hoping I maybe get qualified, but damn I'm not confident in that lol
Please feel free to add anything in subsequent posts.

  • They give 2 hours and 50 minutes for the test.
  • You can take 30 minutes of breaks (cumulative, so 6 breaks of 5 minutes a piece or 1 break of 30 minutes).
  • Notified if you move on within 90 days.
  • It pushes you to read and follow all instructions.
  • There are 7 sub tests, you will do 4, then talk to the administrator to set-up the remaining 3.
  • Some tests penalize for wrong or incomplete answers, others don't, the individual sub test instruction will mention if they do.
  • The initial instructions all said that some tests require you to wait a certain amount of time before answering.
  • Most of the sub tests had a practice test you can use (often you could do it numerous times, although it is the same questions every time)
Memory Game
It will start off with a number (1-9) that pops up, it will stay on screen for two seconds, then another number pops up. You need to type in the difference between the 2 numbers by using the NumPad. After typing in the answer, a second number will pop, and you need to say the difference between the previous number and this one. All answers will be positive numbers (not straight subtraction).

Example: It displays 1 and then 5. The difference is 4. Then a 7 would pop up. The difference between 7 and 5 is 2.

You can't change your answers. You will do 8 of these tests, and each one runs for about 2 minutes a piece. I noticed that all the differences between the numbers was valued from 1-4. Meaning, I never saw a 9 as the first number and a 4 as the second (that would be 5 different).

The next section has 3 tests (progressively harder). The first one will flash on screen A=1, B=2, C=3. Then it will ask you what C=, A=, B=... It randomizes the order, but is really simple. Use the NumPad to answer, and I noticed answers were once again never above 4. Each part of the test has 10 questions.

Example: C=2, A=1, B= 4. So what does B=? C=? A=?

The second part: One variable will become an equation - such as B = C + 1. They use multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. Answers stay between 1-4.

Example: C = B * 2, B = 1, A = 4. Answer: A = 4, C = 2, B = 1.

The third part: two variables will now be equations. All previous rules apply.

Example: B = C / 3, A = B + 1, B = 1. Answer = C = 3, B = 1, A = 2

Spatial Relationship
Tests spatial recognition skills, each problem approx. 5-10 minutes.

Part 1: Two airplanes appear on a map on the screen, one large and one small. Also, a text box at the bottom will appear, it will state RIGHT or LEFT. In the first part, you have the viewpoint of the large airplane (pretend you're the pilot looking straight ahead on the large plane). You will use the textbox and the airplanes to determine if it is true or not (YES or NO on keyboard. NOTE: There is a small plastic piece that goes over the keyboard, on the NumPad. Yes will be the + Sign, and No will be the enter key on NumPad). You essentially need to say whether the text box is true or not - showing the relationship of the small plane to the large (you). The aircraft will switch positions and direction throughout the test.

Example: SMALL plane is to the left of LARGE plane. Text box says LEFT. You should hit YES.

Example: SMALL plane is to the left of LARGE plane. Text box says RIGHT. You should hit NO.

Example: SMALL plane is to the right of LARGE plane. Text box says LEFT. You should hit NO.

Part 2: Adds an EYE to the screen. The EYE will not appear on all the questions, but when it does, it is changing the viewpoint. Everything I saw showed the EYE directly in front of the LARGE plane, and facing it.

Example: SMALL plane is to the left of LARGE plane (visually when looking at it like you are large plane). Text box says LEFT. EYE is present. You should hit NO.

Example: SMALL plane is to the left of LARGE plane. EYE is present. Text box says RIGHT. You should hit Yes.

Example: SMALL plane is to the right of LARGE plane. Text box says LEFT. No eye is present. You should hit NO.

There may have been a third section that adds a math question at the bottom (I can't remember now).

ATSA 2 parts?

So I took the ATSA today and before the test it stated this test has 7 sub parts and you will be taking 4 and need to schedule for the remaining 3. From the test I took it seemed to be the full test. (Assuming from the practices tests I was using).
First time taking the test this morning: Marietta, GA:
-I live about an hour away from the test site (Newnan) and was recommended to get a hotel from another user. Think it helped a little but probably would've been fine without it. Other sites were slightly closer but didn't have any test dates.
-Was told to be there by 7:30 for an 8am test. Got there just after 7:30, one person was ahead of me signing in but I got going ASAP. I was rolling by 7:45 I think. I think there were 5-6 other people taking the ATSA and others doing exams for other jobs.
-Had to raise hand for a break, but never had to speak to the instructor to set up the second part of the test (personality, logic, reading)
-The personality test was first after the collision test, then reading, then logic
-I used Jobtestprep to prepare and it definitely helped. On the collision test, the first sim had 2 balls and gradually increased as it went on to around 7-9 at the end. Some of them had no collisions. Jobtestprep seemed to always have 7-9 so it kinda caught me off guard when I did have the 7-9 balls because Jobtestprep always had the higher amount. The balls seemed to be at the same speed (if not a neglible difference), Jobtestprep always had some significant speed differences.
-On Jobtestprep it wants you to press 0 after determining there won't be any collisions. After a practice it shows you number of collisions, how many you avoided, etc. which includes correct hits on 0. On the test today I read the instructions twice and didn't see it there that they wanted you to do that.
-Stepped away twice for 5-10 minutes, still completed at 10am (2h15m).
Taking my test next week, glad I found this thread just now :') THANK YOU to everyone for calming my nerves a little. Had some questions

I am using Jobtestprep-- Could someone that took the test shed some light on
1) how similar the PERSONALITY TEST practice portion is relative to the real deal?
2) The real test ONLY has the "most, neutral, least like me" portion, right?? Like about 100 questions?? I ask because Jobtestprep includes an extra portion with "Big 5 personality tests" which I understand helps employers and pre-employment processes, but do not know whether to spend time on this section since (I thought) this will not be asked in the ATSA.
3) Is there any way to pinpoint what the exact OPQ32 personality characteristics and the 20 UCF competencies are, that the study guide mentions we should be allotting points to? (ex. Worrying dimension, Vigorous dimension, etc)

If recent test takers or veterans had any tips to share about other sections, I would be grateful! :)
3) Is there any way to pinpoint what the exact OPQ32 personality characteristics and the 20 UCF competencies are, that the study guide mentions we should be allotting points to? (ex. Worrying dimension, Vigorous dimension, etc)

I would really like to know this too. I've read that you should answer personality questions as if you're Ned Flanders (ie: a goody two-shoes with a sunny disposition). That's easy enough to do with Agree/Disagree type questions, but it's not as straightforward when having to assign "Most" or "Least" to statements that all demonstrate good qualities.
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