Discussing CRWG and thinking staffing levels are gonna improve is pretty futile when leaders of the RSC just released their budget proposal saying federal employees are overpaid, don't pay enough for healthcare, and don't deserve retirement.
I'm aware that not much of this stands a chance of making it through the pipeline into anything that might come out the other end. But when this is the starting position of 2/3rds of house Republicans it is laughable to think that - in however-many-months when work group reports funnel to the vice-regional co-director Grand Poohbah and they eventually funnel that up to the house committees - congress would look at it and nod their heads in friendly bipartisan agreement that they need to enthusiastically spend significantly more money on a federal agency.
Just a few things from the article:
Republicans are also targeting federal employee pay and benefits, claiming that federal employees are paid 17% more than their private-sector counterparts, when benefits are included.
Lawmakers are also calling on federal employees to contribute more to their own health insurance coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program.
The RSC budget plan would also bar new federal employees from receiving health coverage from FEHB once they’ve retired.
Inb4 Trumpers say that they mean the other agencies and not ATC and how the media is twisting their words. I dont know how much retirees get from FEHB but this would really fuck the boomers and I welcome it. You voted for this bullshit and you need to reap what you sow. Most of these elderly morons are fine with screwing over the younger generations because as long as they get their social security and medicare/medicaid they dont give a fuck.