Government Shutdown

Except they don’t own them, the bank does.....
whatever bro. If they're actively making on-time payments, it's just as much theirs as it is the banks, figuratively speaking. If they've had it for a couple years, it's only partially the banks at that point. Also, don't be an ass, you knew what we all meant.
Oh I'm on board with the cabin for sure, but to me thats a weekend thing, maybe a long weekend for deer season or something and I'm still traveling.
I'd definitely be apt to "piddle" my annual leave with long weekends in a simple 400sqft-ish cabin in the middle of nowhere with a wood stove for heat and a pile of philosophy/poetry/history books by a window to pass the time with.

I've got plenty more places I'd like to travel to and experience, but I'm also very ready to be still and find some zen. And I definitely understand to an outsider that might seem as wasteful as someone's 35th trip to Disneyland or cruise to nowhere vacation or whatever.
Eh it's a sailboat I'm not exactly trolling party island for 19 year olds anymore haha. Don't think the wife would approve. Besides, she's pretty hot so we good.

One of these days I want a nice boat but my shittyacht gets it done for now.
are there even places to boat in oklahoma?
I'd be a little bit ticked off if we had a shutdown because I'm trying to max my TSP and as I understand it the backpay and back-contributions would be applied to calendar year 2021 instead of 2020. But that's a super first-world problem to have, and I'd definitely prefer a raise at the cost of a shutdown, as long as it wasn't too long.
Wait what happens with this? I'm maxing mine and don't know what happens during the shutdown. Are you saying whatever we put in these checks during shutdown goes to next year?
are there even places to boat in oklahoma?
It's in a slip at Hefner about 10 mins from my house, which is awesome for getting out for a few hours/the day, and if I want to pack it up and do a weekend boat camping trip there's a few big lakes within 3 hours drive or less. Pretty awesome being able to just throw some beer in a cooler drive 10 mins, another 10 or 15 of prep work and be on the water, though it's a small lake. Like I said great for just getting out with friends for a few beers or by myself to clear my head though.

There's a distance race down at texhoma I want to do this year possibly, see how that shakes out. With a sailboat the breakdown/setup and ramp stuff is kind of intensive so you really have to make a weekend at least out of it to make it worth it to me.
The debtor is slave to the lender.

Too many controllers making 150k plus are living paycheck to paycheck cuz they want the two cars, boat, and RV. And then they bank on getting overtime at least once a month to help out with those payments. A lot more peace of mind to owe no one nothing.
Regarding the trainees, get a second job. Millions of people in the U.S. work second jobs to make ends meet. At least for an AG, they know it’s only a stage in life that will pass.
Debt is intoxicating, and is perpetuated by American culture to some degree. For those who can use debt intelligently to grow their assets (ie sub 3% mortgage), it’s a really useful tool. Mortgage is my only debt though, we buy used average cars lol.

I drove for Uber for a while even after getting checked out at a level 8. It was a stage that has passed, but it’s a really good way to remind yourself just how well we are paid for the work we do.
whatever bro. If they're actively making on-time payments, it's just as much theirs as it is the banks, figuratively speaking. If they've had it for a couple years, it's only partially the banks at that point. Also, don't be an ass, you knew what we all meant.
I'm sorry, but this is not how finances work. If you have one payment of $400 left on a car and you decide to not make it, it can still be repoed. So technically no, it is not yours until you pay it off. And you can't even sell a vehicle by yourself because you would not be the only entity on the title. Not enough people are educated in finances especially in America because they teach us the credit life. It's a problem with our society from the lowliest individual on minimum wage but somehow they have an iphone to the nation as a whole and our ridiculous debt that we owe other countries. Even a mortgage note can be called and if you can't refinance or pay it off, there goes that too (on an investment property).

But good news to all those in debt: Christmas Eve is once again a holiday so that'll be nice on the first paycheck of the year whenever we receive it.
It was a stage that has passed, but it’s a really good way to remind yourself just how well we are paid for the work we do.

We are paid decent for the work we do, but I think it is even more important to frame it in the context that most people aren't paid well at all for the work they do.

I'm 33 and have multiple teacher friends who still aren't making $40k for 50+ hours a week of work. I know a guy from my high school graduating class who was in special education but is completely independent and has a heart of gold; all he can really handle is working at a grocery store and I don't think he should be forced to live in poverty because he will be relegated to minimum wage for the entirety of his life. I know friends on assembly lines busting their asses that are one medical bill away from financial ruin.

Our shutdowns suck. Most people's financial outlook sucks. Sure, it is entirely possible for people to live debt free with blue-collar wages, but the margin for error has grown razor thin and can dissolve at any moment; and the powers that be (oligarchy/plutocracy/corporate overlords/lizard people/whatever corrupted power structure you believe is in control) seem more than happy with turning working class, blue collar, and middle class against each other.

If we go into another shutdown during this COVID mess there will be practically zero leverage for us to complain and say we have jobs but aren't being paid. Maybe if it is framed in regards to us helping get the vaccine shipments to where they need to be there might be something there, but I doubt it.
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