Have you bid yet (BWS 2023)?


Trusted Contributor
I ♥ pointSixtyFive
Are there any facilities that haven’t started bidding yet? I know of one Z that hasn’t started, and being this late in the year, I’m curious if they are any others.
Are there any facilities that haven’t started bidding yet? I know of one Z that hasn’t started, and being this late in the year, I’m curious if they are any others.
SAN hasn’t come to an agreement.
I asked our scheduling supe this, he said yes. Except no bid leave, though he had an idea in mind for those who wanted leave until it's able to be bid.
I’d imagine it would just be spot leave which should be easier to get with no bid leave
I’d imagine it would just be spot leave which should be easier to get with no bid leave
Maybe? Said if there were less than X leave requests or less for a specific day it would be treated as though it was bid leave. The goal I think was the work out what X would be bewteen the scheduling supe and the rep, involving as little upper management as little as they could.
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