Fatigue MOU application

I love that national rolled this out, but gave 0 guidance so there isn’t consistency across the NAS.
There was like a 2hr call for it. It included ATMs, many of which had major butthurt over people not having to work OT.

Edit: IIRC, if you are reading this and work at Aurora, I'm sorry. Your ATM sounds like a gaint douche. He was complaining he may not be able to assign someone OT on the week of Christmas. Remember kids, no one carries more than 1 spare tire.
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They gave plenty of guidance. Via Mou, implementation guide/q and a, and multiple telcons

Just because a bunch of random people on the internet either don’t read or don’t care to understand, doesn’t mean anything.
Yes they did, I think a lot of people are more confused because for some facilities this makes absolutely no sense. Makes things worse for both the FAA and the employees. Places/areas with high amounts of OT this works for quite well. Low or no OT places it's quite useless if not a hindrance.
My conspiracy is the FAA is trying to save money but offering the 3rd day no OT option hoping people take it. Run the facility with less staffing and cheaper
The 3rd weekend list is relevant to the schedule team only. If you're Available you get scheduled on your 3rd weekend. If you're Limited you don't get scheduled on your 3rd weekend, no matter what. And we bid in advance which weekend would be our "3rd" weekend, even if you didn't get scheduled OT on your "1st" or "2nd" weekend. So it's a set thing, not a rolling lookback period.

But if someone bangs and they need call-in OT the sups will go down the yes/no list in WMT and call people without regard to whether you're available or limited. If you said you wanted to be Limited and it's your 3rd weekend and they didn't schedule you, but you pick up the phone anyway, that's on you.
They shouldn’t ever be scheduling or calling you if you’re limited and it’s your third week. That’s the entire point of it, management shall not require you to work the third weekend. As it was briefed to us, limited people are basically treated as not available to work period that weekend (basically treat them as if it’s like they have worked 6 days in a row already so they can’t work). If you are limited, and they call, it would be an easy grievance if anyone actually cared enough about it to do it.
They shouldn’t ever be scheduling or calling you if you’re limited and it’s your third week. That’s the entire point of it, management shall not require you to work the third weekend. As it was briefed to us, limited people are basically treated as not available to work period that weekend (basically treat them as if it’s like they have worked 6 days in a row already so they can’t work). If you are limited, and they call, it would be an easy grievance if anyone actually cared enough about it to do it.
Seconding...different facility and we were told management SHALL not even ask
That’s the entire point of it, management shall not require you to work the third weekend.
"Require," yeah. To me there's a huge difference between scheduling you and calling you day-of. You always have the choice to send it to voicemail.

But maybe I'm not understanding what the local policy is, or maybe the local policy is in fact out of line with national guidance. Neither one would surprise me.
You cannot be called or solicited for OT on your limited week. You can solicit on your own if you want to work it though.
They gave plenty of guidance. Via Mou, implementation guide/q and a, and multiple telcons

Just because a bunch of random people on the internet either don’t read or don’t care to understand, doesn’t mean anything.
It’s also not unheard of for there to be inconsistency, especially in low level facilities, because national doesn’t give them the proper attention they need. 8 people at my facility recently had their seniority date corrected (pushed back) because their first facilities didn’t list it correctly.

I understand it’s spelled out very clearly how seniority should be listed. But obviously reps at some facilities haven’t received the appropriate training or guidance from national on just seniority which is a big deal.
It’s also not unheard of for there to be inconsistency, especially in low level facilities, because national doesn’t give them the proper attention they need. 8 people at my facility recently had their seniority date corrected (pushed back) because their first facilities didn’t list it correctly.

I understand it’s spelled out very clearly how seniority should be listed. But obviously reps at some facilities haven’t received the appropriate training or guidance from national on just seniority which is a big deal.
Everyone got the same training and same information

On top of that, in the training and the emails…there was an email listed for any questions. Are we done yet?
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Do you try to be an asshole or does it come naturally?

Your ridiculous kool-aid drinking ass is exactly what the problem is today with this union.
He's a chump and a sackrider/enabler of our failing, dying union, and the status quo which must be protected at all costs! Keep re-upping the forever book, gotta protect those worthless 77 scam articles
Do you try to be an asshole or does it come naturally?

Your ridiculous kool-aid drinking ass is exactly what the problem is today with this union.

Not taking personal responsibility is the problem. Blaming others when you and other chose not to read, chose not to ask questions, chose not to join the many telecons. Blaming the union for not passing the info lol. Blaming the union for extending when the MAJORITY who actually took the few minutes to vote voted this dipshit president in and you still have his defenders on here.

But yeah it's the unions fault you guys are incompetent and lazy.

NATCA can be blamed for a lot of things but they did their part with the fatigue MOU. If anything they spammed my e-mail too much about it.
Not taking personal responsibility is the problem. Blaming others when you and other chose not to read, chose not to ask questions, chose not to join the many telecons. Blaming the union for not passing the info lol. Blaming the union for extending when the MAJORITY who actually took the few minutes to vote voted this dipshit president in and you still have his defenders on here.

But yeah it's the unions fault you guys are incompetent and lazy.

NATCA can be blamed for a lot of things but they did their part with the fatigue MOU. If anything they spammed my e-mail too much about it.
Hahaha. Yeah, that’s the spirit. Fight!

Next act surprised when people leave and we start cutting in to those 10 million in savings we have in the bank. Then blame the minority that left.

Gaslight everyone in 2029 when we extend again!

Wash, rinse, repeat till there is nothing left!
Hahaha. Yeah, that’s the spirit. Fight!

Next act surprised when people leave and we start cutting in to those 10 million in savings we have in the bank. Then blame the minority that left.

Gaslight everyone in 2029 when we extend again!

Wash, rinse, repeat till there is nothing left!
I wish more and more every day that my vote for you would’ve had a better impact. Unfortunately now I have already submitted paperwork to leave to the union.
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