MMPI-2 Tier 2 Process

I want to share my pre-employment experience with you guys and possibly try to get some insight on what to expect from this point on (even though I should probably just shut up and wait).

I was Tier 2'd from the January 2020 bid back in June 2021. In my initial Tier 2 e-mail I was informed that "based on my MMPI-2 results, a Tier 2 evaluation is required." Within that same e-mail, they requested that I first get a neuropsychological evaluation due to a traumatic brain injury I sustained 15 years ago. I was also told that any expenses accrued would be out of my own pocket which I fully expected.

Fast forward to November 2021. I received an e-mail with the parameters of my neuropsych evaluation that the doctor needs to abide by. I found it strange that the parameters were for an ADD/ADHD testing series given the fact that I have no history of the disorder. I spoke to a number of neuropsychologists and was unable to secure an appointment within a reasonable time frame for a reasonable price. Recently, I found a FAA-approved neuropsychologist that gave me a reasonable price and could see me within a months time. She found the testing parameters odd as well and instructed me to double check with the FAA before moving forward with an appointment because there is quite a difference in pricing between the ADHD testing and full neuropsych workup. I checked in with my medical POC and I was told that they would check with their psychologist to make sure the parameters were correct.

Yesterday I received an e-mail stating that I actually do not need an evaluation done of any sort and that all I need to do is make a personal statement saying that there have been no changes in my medical or legal status. I was under the impression that this would finally take me out of the Tier 2 process and move me along to full clearance. However, that was not the case as I still need to meet with an evaluator to discuss my MMPI-2 (and most likely retake it). In the last e-mail I received from my medical POC, she mentions that the Tier 2 process has been "restarted" for me which is extremely discouraging in terms of any sort of timeline. I feel the last 9 months have been completely wasted for me due to a clerical error on their part.

Is there anyway I can request to be fast-tracked due to this mishap or am I at their mercy? My guess is that, since I'm dealing with the government, there is most likely absolutely nothing I can do. But if anyone has any insight or suggestions it would be much appreciated.
My medical portion was delayed at the flight doc for about 17 months before they moved me to the Tier II team and they wouldn't tell me why it took so long. (if I had to guess I'd say it got lost or something.) I requested priority because of the massive delay and they told me no. Soooo yeah I'd say you're at their mercy. As of now, the average time from the Tier II team starting your file to scheduling a psychologist exam is 13 months.
Just stay on them and keep asking for updates. You are at their mercy but don't let them forget about you. Email every 3 weeks asking for an update.
Does this work or does this push you down further? Or does it just help ease the mind?
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Just got the email that I've been disqualified due to substance dependence (alcohol and marijuana). Jesus what a gut punch.

For reconsideration I would need to "provide documentation of successful completion of a substance treatment program satisfactory to the Federal Air Surgeon and evidence of at least two years of sustained, total abstinence from alcohol and other mood altering substances that would make you unable to safely perform Air Traffic Control duties."
Not even sure if it's worth the time and effort at this point.

It goes on to state the appeal process and what to do next but idk man. Sucks ?.
Just got the email that I've been disqualified due to substance dependence (alcohol and marijuana). Jesus what a gut punch.

For reconsideration I would need to "provide documentation of successful completion of a substance treatment program satisfactory to the Federal Air Surgeon and evidence of at least two years of sustained, total abstinence from alcohol and other mood altering substances that would make you unable to safely perform Air Traffic Control duties."
Not even sure if it's worth the time and effort at this point.

It goes on to state the appeal process and what to do next but idk man. Sucks ?.
Oh no. What type of usage did you tell them you did/do?

I hear that if you go that route that you have to abstain from alcohol for the rest of your career, with random drug tests sprinkled throughout. That's just what I heard. Are they going to take your class II away if you have it?
Oh no. What type of usage did you tell them you did/do?

I hear that if you go that route that you have to abstain from alcohol for the rest of your career, with random drug tests sprinkled throughout. That's just what I heard. Are they going to take your class II away if you have it?
I'm from the Jan 2020 ots bid so I don't have anything. It was alcohol and marijuana, seriously didn't feel like my use was out of the ordinary for either obviously marijuana is a big no no for them but it was a very short time I tried it. Ya part of me feels okay to finally have an answer and I kind just let this go and be done with it.

Not sure I care to pursue this anymore. It's been a hell of a time jumping through hoops for nothing.
I'm from the Jan 2020 ots bid so I don't have anything. It was alcohol and marijuana, seriously didn't feel like my use was out of the ordinary for either obviously marijuana is a big no no for them but it was a very short time I tried it. Ya part of me feels okay to finally have an answer and I kind just let this go and be done with it.

Not sure I care to pursue this anymore. It's been a hell of a time jumping through hoops for nothing.
Crazy how they can say that a person is dependent based on either getting in trouble or admitting to doing a drug a few times.

I'd say it would be a massive hassle to continue for FAA in your situation. If you really wanted Air Traffic, the military or schooling is doable.
Crazy how they can say that a person is dependent based on either getting in trouble or admitting to doing a drug a few times.

I'd say it would be a massive hassle to continue for FAA in your situation. If you really wanted Air Traffic, the military or schooling is doable.
Yup in hindsight should have just lied but I thought honesty was the better route, I'll take it as a sign this job isn't for me.

Ya sounds like it is a hassle, I'm ok with it being the end of the line. Time for options b -z I'll see where life goes from here.
Just got the email that I've been disqualified due to substance dependence (alcohol and marijuana). Jesus what a gut punch.

For reconsideration I would need to "provide documentation of successful completion of a substance treatment program satisfactory to the Federal Air Surgeon and evidence of at least two years of sustained, total abstinence from alcohol and other mood altering substances that would make you unable to safely perform Air Traffic Control duties."
Not even sure if it's worth the time and effort at this point.

It goes on to state the appeal process and what to do next but idk man. Sucks ?.
I have heard of people getting medicals after having a DUI. Have the rules changed or what?
Waiting on CIL lol
Sorry I’m not really remembering the hiring process…..does that mean you’ve already taken the mmpi ??

Had my appointment on 12/28 and still waiting to hear back. Been having too many DQs on here lately and hope it’s not a DQ for me..
You’ll probably hear something at the beginning of April.

Had my eval 10/23/2021 and cleared T2 02/02/2022.
Yup in hindsight should have just lied but I thought honesty was the better route, I'll take it as a sign this job isn't for me.

Ya sounds like it is a hassle, I'm ok with it being the end of the line. Time for options b -z I'll see where life goes from here.
Hey man, I just wanted to say I understand your pain and it's not the end of the world. It could always be worse

Oh no. What type of usage did you tell them you did/do?

I hear that if you go that route that you have to abstain from alcohol for the rest of your career, with random drug tests sprinkled throughout. That's just what I heard. Are they going to take your class II away if you have it?
To be fair, everyone gets random drug tests.
I just finished my tier 2 process 2 weeks ago and everything is submitted for review. I’m so nervous now after reading all of this.
Does this work or does this push you down further? Or does it just help ease the mind?
I easily saved 6 months by doing this. Just be polite in your emails.

I just finished my tier 2 process 2 weeks ago and everything is submitted for review. I’m so nervous now after reading all of this.
like you had your eval 2 weeks ago?

if so, it'll be a solid 3 months before you hear anything.
Thanks. I had some backup plans I didn't think Id need but I'll be ok in the long run.
I was really rooting for you man. At least you have a backup to fall back on. This process has been so long I might end up using my backup plan taking a CG-7 job with another agency that will have a ladder to CG-12.
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