After a lot of work and a lot of paper cuts I am proud to present the "NCEPT Placement Tool"
By modifying the PPT spreadsheet it tracks data that the agency has collected and published, but not put into any centralized source or useful format that any of us had access to. I wonder why, it would have been perfectly simple to do so. I am not a big conspiracy person, but it does make you wonder. This shows all of us what is going on with the program. I have not looked at it in great depth yet, but it appears to be a textbook lesson in the law of unintended consequences. There are also a decent number of places no one wants to leave, or they can wait for just the right facility to open up, since they will always have a high staffing percentage.
You can sort by facility type, level, gains, releases, staffing %, training success rate, name etc. The data has been added up and correlated in sections I found relevant. There will be more, but I think its time for a test run, so to speak
Any error in the data is mine, I have done my best to ensure it was counted correctly. If you think I made a mistake let me know, I have the raw data from the panel reports and will happily recheck it and correct any errors if they exist.
Limitations and methods :
N90 and C90 were excluded from NCEPT fairly early on when it came to taking gains, because of the MOU they have. Because of that, they are on the table of data and part of the tabulations but have been left out of the lists. As far as releases go its a nonstarter that if you go to N90 or C90 you're not leaving bc of staffing.
K90 and E10 no longer exist. To account for the gains and losses they had, their numbers were added into the facilities they absorbed or became. Notes are made in the comments section of the table, the additions were very minor.
Some low level places had very high amounts of releases due to 804 consolidation, like ERI and MBS. I couldn't decide how to present this information.
I have no way to incorporate a way to track releases over time. Such as how to show that maybe a facility released 3 in 2016 and 5 in 2017 but none since that time. Any ideas?
I left out mutual swaps. Its not really an ERR even though it is subject to the panel, its omission doesn't really change the data.
I have no access to data about pickup numbers for C90 and N90 outside of the panels they were briefly considered for. If anyone can give me that info, it would be interesting to add it in and see what it looks like.
I have no access to data regarding approved hardships or supervisor deviations. If anyone can get me this data, I would love to add it in, I think that would complete the picture of what is going on, especially at the places that haven't or have just barely let anyone go.
This table does not show if a selection was accepted or declined, only the selections that were made.
This table does not show placement of prior experience hires or academy grads. Obviously 4's and 5's are releasing like crazy, relative to how many people actually work in them and if they arent getting new bodies through ERRs they must be getting them via hiring.
For the future:
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to efficiently track from what to what facility people come from and to. Or even to track say how many level 6's went to a level 10, etc. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know. I plan on updating this as future panels come out.

These are just a couple of graphs and highlights and whatnot, the data in its entirety is in table format, same as the PPT
By modifying the PPT spreadsheet it tracks data that the agency has collected and published, but not put into any centralized source or useful format that any of us had access to. I wonder why, it would have been perfectly simple to do so. I am not a big conspiracy person, but it does make you wonder. This shows all of us what is going on with the program. I have not looked at it in great depth yet, but it appears to be a textbook lesson in the law of unintended consequences. There are also a decent number of places no one wants to leave, or they can wait for just the right facility to open up, since they will always have a high staffing percentage.
You can sort by facility type, level, gains, releases, staffing %, training success rate, name etc. The data has been added up and correlated in sections I found relevant. There will be more, but I think its time for a test run, so to speak
Any error in the data is mine, I have done my best to ensure it was counted correctly. If you think I made a mistake let me know, I have the raw data from the panel reports and will happily recheck it and correct any errors if they exist.
Limitations and methods :
N90 and C90 were excluded from NCEPT fairly early on when it came to taking gains, because of the MOU they have. Because of that, they are on the table of data and part of the tabulations but have been left out of the lists. As far as releases go its a nonstarter that if you go to N90 or C90 you're not leaving bc of staffing.
K90 and E10 no longer exist. To account for the gains and losses they had, their numbers were added into the facilities they absorbed or became. Notes are made in the comments section of the table, the additions were very minor.
Some low level places had very high amounts of releases due to 804 consolidation, like ERI and MBS. I couldn't decide how to present this information.
I have no way to incorporate a way to track releases over time. Such as how to show that maybe a facility released 3 in 2016 and 5 in 2017 but none since that time. Any ideas?
I left out mutual swaps. Its not really an ERR even though it is subject to the panel, its omission doesn't really change the data.
I have no access to data about pickup numbers for C90 and N90 outside of the panels they were briefly considered for. If anyone can give me that info, it would be interesting to add it in and see what it looks like.
I have no access to data regarding approved hardships or supervisor deviations. If anyone can get me this data, I would love to add it in, I think that would complete the picture of what is going on, especially at the places that haven't or have just barely let anyone go.
This table does not show if a selection was accepted or declined, only the selections that were made.
This table does not show placement of prior experience hires or academy grads. Obviously 4's and 5's are releasing like crazy, relative to how many people actually work in them and if they arent getting new bodies through ERRs they must be getting them via hiring.
For the future:
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to efficiently track from what to what facility people come from and to. Or even to track say how many level 6's went to a level 10, etc. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know. I plan on updating this as future panels come out.

These are just a couple of graphs and highlights and whatnot, the data in its entirety is in table format, same as the PPT
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