Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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flavor of love wtf GIF
The fact that he’s attacking Manchin and Sinema for having the gall to be centrist and resistant when it comes to gigantic Democratic spending bills doesn’t quite jive with that.

Nah, Manchin is bought and paid for by coal and Sinema is straight up closet Republican who spends more time meeting with Mitch to get her orders than doing anything of the things she promised to get elected. She ran on a pretty far left platform. Hell she used to be in the Green Party.
It’s sucks having to clean up this disaster he was handed but someone has to do it
You are absolutely clueless! The MF was handed three working vaccines (Allegedly) even though the death rates today with the vaccines are worse than before there were vaccines.
One of the main platforms Biden ran on was Trump's "poor" covid response....yet now it's an excuse to be doing a terrible job?

I don't understand.
I’m more talking about all the supply chain stuff. Like Biden is responsible for China and other countries having shut down factories which is leading to shortages and backlogs.

But bidens better Covid response is totally making him unpopular with some people.

But the main think I see people yelling about it now is inflation and the ports
I’m more talking about all the supply chain stuff. Like Biden is responsible for China and other countries having shut down factories which is leading to shortages and backlogs.

But bidens better Covid response is totally making him unpopular with some people.

But the main think I see people yelling about it now is inflation and the ports
What is your drug of choice dude? What is it about his response do you feel is "Better" Is it that he is expanding Governments involvement in our lives? That he is eroding our rights? Please elaborate. It's scary cuz I never imagined asking you of all people to elaborate.
You are absolutely clueless! The MF was handed three working vaccines (Allegedly) even though the death rates today with the vaccines are worse than before there were vaccines.

It’s almost like almost all those deaths are unvaccinated people and occurring at a time when everything is pretty much open and normal so people are congregating more than they did last year

What is your drug of choice dude?
That he is eroding our rights? Please elaborate.
Please elaborate which rights he has eroded?

Passed the 50% disapproval point this morning, already more unpopular than almost every president since Ford, and catching up to that last one!
Every President since Carter hit 50% disapproval at some point. I’ll file this under ‘who gives a shit’
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