Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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You don’t think 2 years of a global pandemic has anything to do with everything going on? What would you like to see changed?

Identity politics needs to be dropped forever, government needs to treat Covid as a bad disease and not a mandate for government control that forces jobs to fire people for not getting the jab, etc. The public is not happy with overbearing government.

Is this a thing? I can buy a flight school and what? It'd a conflict of interest? Seems like a genius idea. Need to put my child tax credit megabux to good use since I'm above poverty wages so clearly it can't be used for anything else!


You wiping your tears away after not getting the tan you wanted after a day of boating on Hefner ?

It’s almost like almost all those deaths are unvaccinated people and occurring at a time when everything is pretty much open and normal so people are congregating more than they did last year

Christ even NBC doesn’t buy into the fearmongering of congregating anymore.

Every President since Carter hit 50% disapproval at some point. I’ll file this under ‘who gives a shit’
This is soon to be the new standard cope after “at least Biden’s disapproval isn’t as bad as Trump’s” when Biden’s overtakes Trump’s, mark my words.
Identity politics needs to be dropped forever, government needs to treat Covid as a bad disease and not a mandate for government control that forces jobs to fire people for not getting the jab, etc. The public is not happy with overbearing government.

View attachment 6945

You wiping your tears away after not getting the tan you wanted after a day of boating on Hefner ?

Christ even NBC doesn’t buy into the fearmongering of congregating anymore.

This is soon to be the new standard cope after “at least Biden’s disapproval isn’t as bad as Trump’s” when Biden’s overtakes Trump’s, mark my words.
Shit homie gotta use that child care tax credit money to hire a babysitter so i have TIME to go get on my floating oven box and get a tan!
What about his response was better?

Quite literally, everything. But then again, when you’re trying to compare it to someone who didn’t have any noticeable response, it’s a low bar. Maybe you don’t live in a blue state so you didn’t think too much of it when the Trump Administration decided to scrap a National response plan because it was only killing “libtards” at the time.
I swear they are just making it up as they go. We had 2 people get it and they stopped us. Then a month later we started again and 2 more people got it and there was no stoppage.
This sounds about right, maybe that’s why the criteria is so hush hush
Anyone know what the threshold is for training stoppage?
I heard something like 2 to stop d side training and 5 to stop all training. But I imagine it could be a percentage of your facility. Also apparently tech ops and building contractors count to the total too.
I’m sure NATCA will be right on it after addressing gender inequality in drone terminology.
The FAA doesn’t need natca for this! Update the 10.3! You really think natca gonna be like “naw we don’t want more rest!”
It'll change to 10 hours between shifts unless it's a day/mid.. that'll decrease to 7 hours.

Lol all I need is a 2-3 hour nap before my mid and I’m good!
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