Shoot The Breeze

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Ironically COVID's effect on training is the only reason this whiner will have a career. He would be long gone to the NEST by now if he was talking to airplanes in a normal training environment.

Ever seen a trainee that can't open their mouth without annoying everyone certify on the R side? Me neither.

Enjoy the free resets thanks to these training delays and change your initials to CV when you certify.
Ironically COVID's effect on training is the only reason this whiner will have a career. He would be long gone to the NEST by now if he was talking to airplanes in a normal training environment.

Ever seen a trainee that can't open their mouth without annoying everyone certify on the R side? Me neither.

Enjoy the free resets thanks to these training delays and change your initials to CV when you certify.
Oh shut up.
yup. And the zoom calls are basically like the being told to rip VFR strips in the office after your training has been suspended while you wait for the TRB recommendation.
Knowing the FAA worse case and I mean WORSE case scenario. New hires that haven't passed probation are let go, all CPC-ITs return to their previous facilities (probably even allowed to save pay) and they find some kind of BS in house jobs for new hires past probation till this finally ends. Literally worse case scenario and I honestly doubt it even gets to that.
Ironically COVID's effect on training is the only reason this whiner will have a career. He would be long gone to the NEST by now if he was talking to airplanes in a normal training environment.

Ever seen a trainee that can't open their mouth without annoying everyone certify on the R side? Me neither.

Enjoy the free resets thanks to these training delays and change your initials to CV when you certify.
This career field would be much less stressful if trainees didn’t have to deal with assholes like you. I’ll be glad when dinosaurs like you retire.
You can tell the people that never had a real job before winning the faa hiring lottery early.
My dad got me this job when I was fresh out of high school. If I didn't have it I guarantee I could at least manage a grocery store and I'd probably be a jackass to the trainees there too, guess my voting agenda
Knowing the FAA worse case and I mean WORSE case scenario. New hires that haven't passed probation are let go, all CPC-ITs return to their previous facilities (probably even allowed to save pay) and they find some kind of BS in house jobs for new hires past probation till this finally ends. Literally worse case scenario and I honestly doubt it even gets to that.
Be interesting if that were the case to see how they handle cpc-it who hardshipped
Be interesting if that were the case to see how they handle cpc-it who hardshipped


Also, I think outright furloughs would happen before involuntary relocations that benefit the NAS in 0 way whatsoever. You’d have an angry mob if that happened considering it would take some of them longer to retrain those CPC-ITs at their old facilities. That SHOULD have happened in March if this was the intent, when many of them could’ve been used as staffing after a quick over the shoulder - but that ship is long gone now.

Also, I think outright furloughs would happen before involuntary relocations that benefit the NAS in 0 way whatsoever. You’d have an angry mob if that happened considering it would take some of them longer to retrain those CPC-ITs at their old facilities. That SHOULD have happened in March if this was the intent, when many of them could’ve been used as staffing after a quick over the shoulder - but that ship is long gone now.
That's why I said it was worse case scenario and still doubt it will happen. Furloughs won't happen simply because the FAA isn't a for profit organization. It's a government organization that maintains standards and in standards I mean standards critical to the country. Saving money now to "possibly" hurt maintaining standards later isn't an option. This is just the newest "hurry up and wait" situation. The way the government works is pretty predictable.
That's why I said it was worse case scenario and still doubt it will happen. Furloughs won't happen simply because the FAA isn't a for profit organization. It's a government organization that maintains standards and in standards I mean standards critical to the country. Saving money now to "possibly" hurt maintaining standards later isn't an option. This is just the newest "hurry up and wait" situation. The way the government works is pretty predictable.
You’d have to hear about budget cuts in Congress first.
Be interesting if that were the case to see how they handle cpc-it who hardshipped
If said situation happened (which I highly doubt) hardships would probably get to stay. This is all theory though.

You’d have to hear about budget cuts in Congress first.
Yup. And to be honest the budget could be lowered with little effect simply due to much less OT, training and other premiums being collected during this pandemic.
Yup. And to be honest the budget could be lowered with little effect simply due to much less OT, training and other premiums being collected during this pandemic.

there are costs associated with people sitting at home too. The IT costs of having all these WFH setups, zoom calls, and also the cleaning costs at facilities. I’d say it’s a wash at best.
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