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Did anyone else get a “Professionalism” briefing on not to be mean/bully the people coming back from EA or is it just my facility because we’re all a bunch of assholes?
LMAO. Nothing at my facility.
I guess maybe I'd feel different were I in training, but after all those months of EA, I didn't give two fs about anything anyone might have to say. Besides which, those of em who had to work the whole time are losers anyway ?
Did anyone else get a “Professionalism” briefing on not to be mean/bully the people coming back from EA or is it just my facility because we’re all a bunch of assholes?
I see you really focused on getting your BMI down so you wouldn't be too high risk to come in. I'm just glad Disneyland is outside! So this is a Brite, I know you haven't been here in a year.
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