Biden will require federal workers to get the Covid vaccine or submit to testing

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They said that vaccinated people in areas with high covid levels should wear masks. Because in the event they get a breakthrough infection which is much less likely than a non vaccinated person. They may spread it.
Lol did you not read my post 2 up before posting that? 3/4 of people with delta in Mass. are vaccinated. You’re digging your hole again.
Lol did you not read my post 2 up before posting that? 3/4 of people with delta in Mass. are vaccinated. You’re digging your hole again.
Don’t waste your time with them. I really think those who just did what they were told are now worried that they made a big mistake and want some company is all. Misery loves company. What happened to the 15 days to slow the spread? Are hospitals overwhelmed right now? NO Are we low on ventilators? NO, is this still the land of the free? As far as I know. If you got the death shot already good for you, leave me the eff alone!
Curious where you stand-should it be mandated and why, in your option. I think having the interwebs is a great tool to connect us all into a larger sense of community since the gym and break room are still shut down
I'm vaccinated, I think people should get vaccinated, though I understand the concerns of those who feel differently for logical, not "I'm gonna become a 5G antenna" reasons. I don't expect everyone to be able to clearly understand and digest scientific data and studies (as referenced in this very thread), and feel the powers that be have done a bad job of explaining things about covid from the get go, much less telling the public the best things to do to protect themselves (who remembers Fauci saying you don't need a mask early on?).

Misinformation is rampant, and at this point there's not much that can be done to fix it without mass censorship, which I'm not for, so kinda gonna have to let the idiots who can't see thru the nonsense be idiots and let Darwin sort them out. It's not the government's job to tell people how to think.

Aside from that I'm not for a general public vaccine mandate, as I don't think the government saying you must put this experimental drug with no long term studies completed yet in your body or face repricussions sets a good precedent for body freedom on anything from abortion to vaccines to all sorts of future hypotheticals in between.

As far as us, Fact of the matter is you are an at will employee in a job that requires a medical clearance. If part of that medical becomes a covid vaxx or the fed makes it a condition of employment.....well there ya have it. I'm just curious how the right to work crowd, who happen to mostly be the ones who are anti vaxx, are gonna juxtapose those two counter views in their brains.
Lol did you not read my post 2 up before posting that? 3/4 of people with delta in Mass. are vaccinated. You’re digging your hole again.
Cherry picked. It’ll be interesting to hear what happened there. You discount that the least vaccinated states have the most covid and 98% of people in the hospital are unvaccinated.
Don’t waste your time with them. I really think those who just did what they were told are now worried that they made a big mistake and want some company is all. Misery loves company. What happened to the 15 days to slow the spread? Are hospitals overwhelmed right now? NO Are we low on ventilators? NO, is this still the land of the free? As far as I know. If you got the death shot already good for you, leave me the eff alone!
I didn’t read this at all, but I like your username
and feel the powers that be have done a bad job of explaining things about covid from the get go, much less telling the public the best things to do to protect themselves (who remembers Fauci saying you don't need a mask early on?).

Funny you mention that, as there was a good article that came out the other day talking about how Fauci/the CDC have been giving us “noble lies” since the beginning:

I still can’t wrap my head around you guys thinking the FS is gonna revoke everyone’s medical like 60% of controllers for the vaccine that is safe but he won’t revoke your get covid and sent to the hospital.
More like the anti vacxers cherry pick 1 line or event to prove their point
They knew this when they filed as a gene therapy so they changed the definition of vaccines


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You don’t think long covid or hurting your lungs from covid can effect your medical?
It’s based off of a small group but everyone at work who has had COVID we’re fine and didn’t have any other diseases (like asthma) to compound COVID. They had few symptoms and are fine now and I am in better shape than most with no underlying diseases.
I’m sure I caught COVID from work, from my significant other, or a family member already. Felt like I was getting sick for a day or two and just quarantined myself for the next 2 weeks. I’m not a doctor but isn’t my body fighting off an illness and creating the antibodies better than a vaccine?
And if I’m masking up for the mission, washing my hands often, and trying to keep as socially distant as possible isn’t that going to protect me as well?

I’m young and healthy with no medical issues so if I get hospitalized from COVID then I guess I’m screwed. If I get vaccinated and end up hospitalized I’m screwed again.

if I get the vaccine while it isn’t mandated and get one of those rare adverse effects or a long term side effect that we don’t know of yet then I’m screwed because I didn’t have to get it. Then I could lose my medical And still run the risk of hospitalization.

All in all, it’s been over a year and a half since this has all started and I’ve been this lucky so far not to get hospitalized. If they mandate it for federal employees I would have to get it because I don’t want to get fired. Which would be shitty for a job that requires a medical clearance to mandate a vaccine that isn’t fully approved.
I still can’t wrap my head around you guys thinking the FS is gonna revoke everyone’s medical like 60% of controllers for the vaccine that is safe but he won’t revoke your get covid and sent to the hospital.
I can’t believe you say only 60% is vaccinated. I think it’s like 98% or something
It’s based off of a small group but everyone at work who has had COVID we’re fine and didn’t have any other diseases (like asthma) to compound COVID. They had few symptoms and are fine now and I am in better shape than most with no underlying diseases.
I’m sure I caught COVID from work, from my significant other, or a family member already. Felt like I was getting sick for a day or two and just quarantined myself for the next 2 weeks. I’m not a doctor but isn’t my body fighting off an illness and creating the antibodies better than a vaccine?
And if I’m masking up for the mission, washing my hands often, and trying to keep as socially distant as possible isn’t that going to protect me as well?

I’m young and healthy with no medical issues so if I get hospitalized from COVID then I guess I’m screwed. If I get vaccinated and end up hospitalized I’m screwed again.

if I get the vaccine while it isn’t mandated and get one of those rare adverse effects or a long term side effect that we don’t know of yet then I’m screwed because I didn’t have to get it. Then I could lose my medical And still run the risk of hospitalization.

All in all, it’s been over a year and a half since this has all started and I’ve been this lucky so far not to get hospitalized. If they mandate it for federal employees I would have to get it because I don’t want to get fired. Which would be shitty for a job that requires a medical clearance to mandate a vaccine that isn’t fully approved.

I'm DQd with long covid. Quite literally the healthiest/most fit person in the building. Unfortunately, that shit does happen

No particular comment on the rest of this discussion, just throwing it out there
I'm DQd with long covid. Quite literally the healthiest/most fit person in the building. Unfortunately, that shit does happen

No particular comment on the rest of this discussion, just throwing it out there
If you don’t mind me asking, what specific symptoms are you downed for?
Friend sent me this:

If masks work why the 6 feet?
If 6 feet works why the masks?
If both work why the lockdowns?
If lockdowns work why the vaccine?
If the vaccine works why can people vaccinated still spread the virus?

Answer: Mitigation(best they can do)

I honestly believe, political agendas aside, the people in charge are really trying to do their best to control a constantly changing pandemic. It’s not a conspiracy.
Friend sent me this:

If masks work why the 6 feet?
If 6 feet works why the masks?
If both work why the lockdowns?
If lockdowns work why the vaccine?
If the vaccine works why can people vaccinated still spread the virus?

Answer: Mitigation(best they can do)

I honestly believe, political agendas aside, the people in charge are really trying to do their best to control a constantly changing pandemic. It’s not a conspiracy.
But did you consider Joe Biden bad?
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