Biden will require federal workers to get the Covid vaccine or submit to testing

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You realize ALPA got the airlines to agree not to require mandatory covid shots right? Not out of any politics, but because the shots are still under an EUA.

They are Not FDA approved and even Pfize admits in internal docs there is no long term study about what the long term effects, complications or other things might be. That’s not good in a job that forces you to maintain a medical clearance for work. It’s not about owning anyone, there are legitimate concerns about the long term effects of an experimental vaccine that hasn’t been fully vetted.

If you know anything about the pharmaceutical industry, it’s that they will swear up and down that something is perfectly safe, right up until the moment it’s proven it’s not. Do you think they would actually admit to a problem with something they spent billions on? Trust, but verify. The full fda approval process is the verification

Imagine losing your medical in a few years with side effects and not being able to sue.
The top 2 quotes are the big reason why I don’t want to get the shot yet. I know there isn’t much info on the side effects of it long/short term. But I don’t wanna get rekt out of a job because I can’t get a med clearance. If they mandate the vaccine or it gets fully approved then MAYBE. But if they mandate it and on the slim chance I won’t be able to work anymore because of it I’d want to be compensated for taking a mandatory vaccine that wasn’t fully approved to maintain my employment.

I won’t mind getting tested weekly as long as it’s at the facility during my shift. They do it at schools so im hoping it isn’t out of the realm of possibility.
The top 2 quotes are the big reason why I don’t want to get the shot yet. I know there isn’t much info on the side effects of it long/short term. But I don’t wanna get rekt out of a job because I can’t get a med clearance. If they mandate the vaccine or it gets fully approved then MAYBE. But if they mandate it and on the slim chance I won’t be able to work anymore because of it I’d want to be compensated for taking a mandatory vaccine that wasn’t fully approved to maintain my employment.

I won’t mind getting tested weekly as long as it’s at the facility during my shift. They do it at schools so im hoping it isn’t out of the realm of possibility.
You don’t think long covid or hurting your lungs from covid can effect your medical?
My understanding is, you get hospitalized from covid, no more medical for you. That simple.
And the cdc also said the vaccine still prevents 75-85% of infections
Have a link by chance? I wasn’t able to come across that info.
And here we have a prime example of a person who doesn't understand the science behind something, such as restricting the ability of a virus to mutate through mass inoculation preventing it from creating variants that are resistant to drugs. Due to people such as this our downfall as a species will be due to either drug resistant bacteria, the eventual evolution of everything into crabs (with religious exemptions of course), or something about gender pronouns being sexualy intermixed with aviation phraseology.
Sure thing kid. Glad you could set the record straight.
Way to not answer the question
No need to answer it when the vaccinated can infect just as easily the unvaccinated.

I’m pro vaccine but stating people should get it because they won’t infect others clearly isn’t really a valid argument anymore.
Have a link by chance? I wasn’t able to come across that info.

Sure thing kid. Glad you could set the record straight.

No need to answer it when the vaccinated can infect just as easily the unvaccinated.

I’m pro vaccine but stating people should get it because they won’t infect others clearly isn’t really a valid argument anymore.

Even the basic comparisons between states with largely unvaccinated populations vs states with larger vaccinated populations makes it obvious. You're a wealth of bad information.
Oh trust me I'm sick of it too.

I also realize spending any amount of my time repeating the same regurgitated talking points back and forth to someone on the opposite end of the spectrum is a complete waste of my time. I haven't seen one thought provoking argument either way across multiple threads on this forum about it, and clearly the ones arguing either way feel the same.

In fact seems like some of yall aren't sick of it yet the amount you like to talk about it.
Curious where you stand-should it be mandated and why, in your option. I think having the interwebs is a great tool to connect us all into a larger sense of community since the gym and break room are still shut down

Even the basic comparisons between states with largely unvaccinated populations vs states with larger vaccinated populations makes it obvious. You're a wealth of bad information.
That’s where the CDC website is. Appreciate the link. Didn’t the CDC just recommend masks for vaccinated people because they’re also spreading the delta variant? Sounds like they must also not understand the science and will also contribute to the downfall of our species.

Did you miss the part where I said I’m pro getting the vaccine? Ya know, as in I believe they’re effective.

Even the basic comparisons between states with largely unvaccinated populations vs states with larger vaccinated populations makes it obvious. You're a wealth of bad information.
Pretty sure CDC guidelines include not testing people who had the vaccine. If less tests are being done in states with high vaccine rates, obviously the positive results will be lower.
That’s where the CDC website is. Appreciate the link. Didn’t the CDC just recommend masks for vaccinated people because they’re also spreading the delta variant? Sounds like they must also not understand the science and will also contribute to the downfall of our species.

Did you miss the part where I said I’m pro getting the vaccine? Ya know, as in I believe they’re effective.

Pretty sure CDC guidelines include not testing people who had the vaccine. If less tests are being done in states with high vaccine rates, obviously the positive results will be lower.

Congratulations on cherry picking and not actually reading anything.
Yeah I’d like to see proof of this. Because if you recover why can’t you get your medical
Concern over potential, possibly unknown long-term damage the illness has done? The person I know of in this position isn't a controller anymore, a staff support specialist in his 60s I believe, so the loss of medical isn't affecting them professionally but they cannot fly their privately owned airplane until (if) they get it back.

Remember CAMI and the aerospace med people are very conservative and behind the times with medications and treatments, so this should come as no surprise.
That’s where the CDC website is. Appreciate the link. Didn’t the CDC just recommend masks for vaccinated people because they’re also spreading the delta variant? Sounds like they must also not understand the science and will also contribute to the downfall of our species.

Did you miss the part where I said I’m pro getting the vaccine? Ya know, as in I believe they’re effective.
They said that vaccinated people in areas with high covid levels should wear masks. Because in the event they get a breakthrough infection which is much less likely than a non vaccinated person. They may spread it.
No need to answer it when the vaccinated can infect just as easily the unvaccinated.

I’m pro vaccine but stating people should get it because they won’t infect others clearly isn’t really a valid argument anymore.

Congratulations on making sweeping judgments about people based on your own false assumptions of what they might believe.

I highlighted your false assumptions.

And again am providing the information opposite of your false assumptions.

Even the basic comparisons between states with largely unvaccinated populations vs states with larger vaccinated populations makes it obvious. You're a wealth of bad information.
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