Hiring Bid FAA-ATO-19-ALLSRCE-61676

Man, applying for this bid and going through the process has made me realize just how many skeletons in the closet I have. I have always felt like I had a relatively clean history but when I put it all on paper it's clear as day I have had some stuff going on here and there. Always that thought in my mind that either one of those things can disqualify me. o_O Oh well, just gotta be honest and trust the process. ?
Heads up: if anyone has CS as a rep. She is out of the office until December 4th.

Man, applying for this bid and going through the process has made me realize just how many skeletons in the closet I have. I have always felt like I had a relatively clean history but when I put it all on paper it's clear as day I have had some stuff going on here and there. Always that thought in my mind that either one of those things can disqualify me. o_O Oh well, just gotta be honest and trust the process. ?
For me, I have a couple items from 2011 (college years) then nothing since. Also, I can't find any of my medical information, kept it with my parents in their storage room, apparently they shredded it by mistake. Makes it hard to recall past doctors and medications.

My update: I just need fingerprints then all I have left is the SF-86. Medical and MMPI ready for next week.
Heads up: if anyone has CS as a rep. She is out of the office until December 4th.

For me, I have a couple items from 2011 (college years) then nothing since. Also, I can't find any of my medical information, kept it with my parents in their storage room, apparently they shredded it by mistake. Makes it hard to recall past doctors and medications.

My update: I just need fingerprints then all I have left is the SF-86. Medical and MMPI ready for next week.
I guess I will sit tight over here with CS. No rush, but rush haha
Now that the ball is rolling for everyone, are veterans able to use the GI bill in OKC? I mean technically it is training/higher learning.

Yes you get your GI Bill, from what I’ve gathered here, you will process everything at your first assigned location and then get the BAH rate for that area while you were training in OKC in a lump sum, then the rest is monthly.
Also, I can't find any of my medical information, kept it with my parents in their storage room, apparently they shredded it by mistake. Makes it hard to recall past doctors and medications.

Do you need lists of all previous medications/doctors? I thought it was only current prescriptions and doctors visits the last 3 years.
Do you need lists of all previous medications/doctors? I thought it was only current prescriptions and doctors visits the last 3 years.
I included all previous for the background worksheet. Then last 3 years for MedXpress
Anybody else around Phoenix on here? None of the local police stations will do fingerprints. Only the sheriff location in downtown seems to handle. Any alternates as that's a pain of a location? If no other choice I'll go there Wednesday
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