Hiring Bid FAA-ATO-20-ALLSRCE-65607

I got my response back within minutes. I'd call and check. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I would not recommend calling for a TOL confirmation. Try to waste as little of these reps time as possible. To a degree they control how quickly you can get certain things done in the process. When they send you something get it done quickly, read directions as many times as it takes and double-check your work. I was at the Academy 2 months after I received my TOL. Who knows for sure if it helped but I completed everything ASAP and even drove further than necessary for my drug test and medical to save a couple of days.
I would not recommend calling for a TOL confirmation. Try to waste as little of these reps time as possible. To a degree they control how quickly you can get certain things done in the process. When they send you something get it done quickly, read directions as many times as it takes and double-check your work. I was at the Academy 2 months after I received my TOL. Who knows for sure if it helped but I completed everything ASAP and even drove further than necessary for my drug test and medical to save a couple of days.
dang 2 months! I thought the "regular" amount of time was almost a year to get everything situated?
Not trying to jump ahead but just out of curiosity does anyone know percentage rates of how many people typically pass the atc academy
Yall think due to covid, OKC is what? a year away maybe? im currently in school now and will be graduating with my A&P license in 5 months. since ive spent an arm and leg to go to school for it i really wanted to finish.
No...because this is a career so why would you be going to college while you’re working as a controller? Not trying to be rude. Just trying to understand why you’d want college credits from it
To add to my current college credits for a Bachelors. I was just wondering.
Also, random question but do we receive college credits for the classes we take at OKC?

They are accredited classes, I forget what exactly they qualify as. You can choose to fill out a form that gets you college credit, yes. It involves paying a fee to register at whatever college they partner with.
Yall think due to covid, OKC is what? a year away maybe? im currently in school now and will be graduating with my A&P license in 5 months. since ive spent an arm and leg to go to school for it i really wanted to finish.
I like to think it will be quicker than a year away... My guess is just as random as everyone else on here, but if they dont give out any dates until next September they're going to have a big gap where there are no students at the academy which I doubt they want.
Well, I got my TOL the day I move into my new apartment. Awesome news though. Would anyone know if I need to include my ETS for the national guard, or just leave it as is on the applicant contact since it specifies Active Duty?

And would that play a part in posting at all? And uh, congrats to everyone who got a TOL!

EDIT: Does having a secret security clearance speed up the process at all?
It actually does. When you fill out the form, online, a lot of your answers will already be on there. I got picked up on an off the street bid, but ultimately turned it down because I was in the dod and didn't want to go to the academy. I got picked up on the exp bid the same year and didn't have to redo anything, medical/mmpi, except resubmitting my sf86 by just hitting submit again. The answers from my dod application we're already up there the first time too.
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