Hiring Bid FAA-ATO-22-ALLSRCE-79187

Is there any precedent for there being two testing windows for a single bid? Seems weird that it’s 7 days until the testing window and no pool 2 applicants have heard back.

(Also, if no, what is the latest someone hears back? Does it go up to the testing date?)
This can (and regularly is) and extremely long process. Everyone who applied should be prepared to not hear anything for weeks, or months between each of the various steps. Waiting for the ATSA invitation is the first of many lengthy waiting periods. Calling/emailing HR regularly asking for updates only annoys them and slows down the process further, and oftentimes they don’t have accurate information anyways.

I give this advice to every new hiring bid: forget you even applied. If/when you’re contacted to complete another step in the process, do so promptly and then forget about it again. You’ll save yourself a lot of stress over the long run by not constantly worrying about when something might happen.
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