Government Shutdown

This is it boys... this is how the world finally ends. It’s been an honor gentleman
end of the world wow GIF

Nothing says “drain the swamp” like pardoning corrupt congressmen and war criminals.

Still convinced this is a stunt to draw attention away from that.
Nothing says “drain the swamp” like pardoning corrupt congressmen and war criminals.

Still convinced this is a stunt to draw attention away from that.
Hey I can take 4k and do some good with it for my family and myself, and still remember Trump is human filth, and bonus... How bad is this gonna look on republican congressmen for the forseeable future?

Totally willing to take advantage of orange man's need for approval and vanity seeking tendencies for my financial gain.
The fiscal hawks really change their tune when they can get the socialism!
No they don’t. It’s kinda like me taking student loan forgiveness. Ever since Biden said something about $10k of student loan forgiveness for every borrower I’ve been putting my payments in a savings account. I don’t agree with the policy, but I’m not stupid enough to throw away $10k to prove it. Same concept here, I don’t agree with the stimulus but if you’re going to do it at least give it to people instead of throwing it at nonsense.
Rand Paul and Trump both made good points. A 5,000+ page bill that is filled with garbage shouldn’t be passed. Rands words about the deficit are hollow considering he voted for tax cuts and ballooned the deficit the last 4, but now we’re transitioning to a Democrat president and he suddenly cares. Hypocrisy is abound on both sides of the partisan spectrum and quite frankly they all suck.
No they don’t. It’s kinda like me taking student loan forgiveness. Ever since Biden said something about $10k of student loan forgiveness for every borrower I’ve been putting my payments in a savings account. I don’t agree with the policy, but I’m not stupid enough to throw away $10k to prove it. Same concept here, I don’t agree with the stimulus but if you’re going to do it at least give it to people instead of throwing it at nonsense.
Rand Paul and Trump both made good points. A 5,000+ page bill that is filled with garbage shouldn’t be passed. Rands words about the deficit are hollow considering he voted for tax cuts and ballooned the deficit the last 4, but now we’re transitioning to a Democrat president and he suddenly cares. Hypocrisy is abound on both sides of the partisan spectrum and quite frankly they all suck.
In all seriousness, Biden can promise that all he wants but it's a congressional issue and I seriously doubt it'll be passed.. at least to that amount. Better off to just keep plugging away at them.
Dems gonna put 2k checks on the floor tomorrow(maybe today?) and republicans surely will object. So it falls to trump to either sign or not which will require the congress to override him or let the bill die and pass a CR that goes beyond the end of his term. None of this looks good for trump or republicans since if you punt to after trump leaves Biden gets to take credit.
I think Trump may have played this one well. Let everything else get hammered out and agreed upon then slap his so called disloyal R's with a last minute $2000. Almost political suicide to offer up that kind of money and be the A holes holding it up. Now they can't use liability and state aid as their crutch. First time Trump has been given solid political advice.
Biden can forgive student loans with an EO. That’s how trump suspended payments and interest.
That generally seems to be up for debate and could be litigated out of existence anyway. Plus all these things take time and waiting around on the off chance that the government will actually solve your problems (laugh.. like really hard) is likely a poor strategy.
I think Trump may have played this one well. Let everything else get hammered out and agreed upon then slap his so called disloyal R's with a last minute $2000. Almost political suicide to offer up that kind of money and be the A holes holding it up. Now they can't use liability and state aid as their crutch. First time Trump has been given solid political advice.
It’s never gonna happen. There’s no way to get it done without passing it with unanimous consent and there is definitely one person who will object.
Almost political suicide to offer up that kind of money and be the A holes holding it up.
McConnell and the Senate Republicans have been the A-holes holding up $2k checks since fucking June or whenever the House Democrats passed the HEROES act. We'll see what happens in Georgia but it hasn't really blown up in their faces like you'd think it would. The only difference now is Trump is against them.
Wrong again. EO can be used to delay but not to forgive the debt.
How do you figure? The legality of it is murky as best. It’s not taxes and the debt is held by the dept of education which gives him a lot of power over what to do with it.
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