Never really thought about, but if another controller calls me about something and there's something that I was going to coordinate too, make it on the same call....don't hang up and then call back in a couple minutes to get yours approved.Anyone here practice this, was taught this way for a long time.
We do it at my facility. It was weird to get used to at first because at my AF facility you didn't flash someone until you were done with them. But here it's just too busy so as soon as you take someone you put the flash in so you don't forget later.
Took me a minute too...I just now get what the original question is....take the handoff and then start the flash to the next controller.....
Nope, never done it, don't like the idea.
Last thing I want is for another facility to take the handoff, and then 20 miles later the pilot asks me for a flight plan change when I no longer have control to make changes for him in the FDIO.
Seems to me that people from super busy facilities do this. My trainers and supervisors were from Chicago New York and Sandiago and they drill it into us. Take a “flash” and flash i
I do remember them teaching that in okc just regular rtf too. I mean it’s not a bad thing I just don’t like to do it.