Interpretation 9

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  • Date of Interpretation Applicable 7110.65 section
    10.21.2015 5-7-4

    Background Information

    This is in response to a request for interpretation submitted by the Central Service Area, on behalf of Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), regarding JO 7110.65, Chapter 5 Radar, Section 7 Speed Adjustment, paragraph 5-7-4, Termination. The questions were based on the AKRON FIVE Standard Instrument Departure (SID) procedure at Detroit Airport.


    1. Does the assignment of a speed in the special instructions section of a SID constitute a "published speed restriction" for the purposes of paragraph 5-7-4 of the 7110.65?

    2. Does the speed assignment, as worded, mean that the aircraft must remain at 280k until assigned another speed by air traffic control (ATC) or another procedure that includes speed restrictions, or does it only apply for as long as the aircraft is actually flying the SID?

    3. If the aircraft is vectored off or cleared direct to a point not on the SID, does the speed restriction still apply?

    4. What phraseology should be used when the speed is no longer needed: "DELETE SPEED RESTRICTIONS" (if it is considered a "published speed restriction") or "RESUME NORMAL SPEED" (if it is determined that the special instructions section is just a vehicle for ATC to assign a speed and it isn't actually a "published speed restriction")?

    5. If the speed restriction is not deleted by the departure sector, how will subsequent sectors know which phraseology to use unless the departure sector and all subsequent sectors coordinate how the restriction was assigned when passing the speed?

    6. Are controllers expected to coordinate how a speed was issued when passing a restriction?

    7. What is the reason for having two different phraseologies for canceling a speed restriction: One to be used only when there is no published speed restriction and one that deletes all speed restrictions whether published or ATC assigned?


    1. Yes. Identifying a speed restriction on a SID chart is considered a “published speed restriction.”

    2. A speed restriction specified as a chart note in accordance with FAA Order 8260.46E applies until:
    • Deleted or amended by ATC or,
    • The aircraft is vectored, cleared or deviates off of the SID or,
    • The aircraft reaches the end of the SID
    3. No. When an aircraft is vectored, cleared to a point not on the SID, or deviates off of a SID, the aircraft is no longer on the procedure and all speed and altitude restrictions specified by that procedure are cancelled. If a speed restriction is still needed it must be reissued by ATC.

    4. The correct phraseology to use depends upon whether the aircraft is on the published procedure. If it is on the procedure, "DELETE SPEED RESTRICTION" is correct. If it is not on the procedure either "DELETE SPEED RESTRICTION" or "RESUME NORMAL SPEED" may be used.

    5. If the departure sector did not delete a published speed restriction and the aircraft is still on the procedure, subsequent sectors would use the phraseology "DELETE SPEED RESTRICTION." Unless the departure sector had the responsibility to delete the restriction in accordance with a Letter of Agreement or facility directive and failed to do so, there should be no need to further coordinate with subsequent sectors.

    6. There is no specific requirement to coordinate “how” a speed was issued. If the question is what speed adjustment phraseology should the receiving controller subsequently use, that would be evident based on whether or not the aircraft was still on the published procedure.

    7. As speed restrictions on published procedures became more prevalent it was identified that the legacy phraseology "RESUME NORMAL SPEED" was inadequate for cancelling speed assignments. As a result, NEW phraseology was added to differentiate between the cancellation of published speeds and the cancellation of ATC assigned speeds.
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