I cannot speak to the censorship issue but I can speak to the fact that when you post information it is best to do it in such a way that people can quickly decipher it. People these days have such short attention spans that most posts begin with a “TLDR.” We all know the NEB are only out for themselves at this point and how much “clout or power” they can attain, but you have to break it down for people.
There are two camps in the NEB, one that wants to halt any talk of “negotiating pay” because they are afraid to hand a win to Rich, the other that wants a win for their campaign so that they can “prove” to the membership that they are fighting on their behalf. What Smitty was trying to say, what I will try to say with a degree of simplicity, is that none of the NEB truly stands with the controllers nor shares in their plight. They are all on the same side, their side.
Article 114 has become a carrot on a stick for many people because it gets them out of the facility. Sure you have to tow the Union line, but get out of the facility and some of the miserable fucks that we all work/worked with might be worth it to some. Not saying I support Article 114 at all but I do understand why people did it.
Referencing the shutdown thread, I tried to raise a discussion point about FERS/FEHB but comments amount to “Republicans” or for others “Democrats.” Look comrades, both sides are going to fuck us, each harder than the perceived other, no one has our best interests in mind and the sooner people accept that the quicker we can move towards a solution.
The NEB, indeed NATCA at a whole is excellent at sowing discord among the opposition. We all want to change the status quo but it is going to require some sacrifice and until someone or some people stand up and unite the disenchanted nothing is bound to change while we claw at each others throats.