Center approaches/separation to towered airports?


Centers seem to have a few different rules they can or cannot use than tracons. No MVA's apparently and no divergence and not saying HEAVY, for a few examples.

Let's say a tracon goes ATC-0 for COVID cleaning. Is the Z that takes over the airspace going to be able to clear aircraft for approaches at a fairly normal rate if the tower controllers at the airports are still there? They shouldn't have to use one in/one out, right? Tower is there.

I have not worked a Z. Or been near one that had approaches into towered airports, only untowered; so pardon me if this is a ridiculously dumb question.
No you cannot. You cannot use radar separation when you will not have radar on both aircraft. Also how do you separate the two aircraft 5 miles in trail when at some point you have to switch both aircraft to tower frequency ? Who is ensuring separation at that point? It certainly isn’t the VFR tower that normally is not a VFR tower. LOAs make different VFR towers unique I’m sure but the one I am most familiar with you have to retain the trailing aircraft on center frequency and not allow him on tower frequency until the leading aircraft lands or cancels. This gives you a means of separation if the lead aircraft cancels or something else goes tits up.
Well considering we do it every single day at one of our towered airports I’ll stand with that. That being said, I should have clarified a bit, we run slightly more space depending on the airport, but far less than one in one out. Different LOAs do make a difference but with tower applied visual and the ability to reach the tower quickly for a cancellation, it does change the game. It’s not a timed approach/holding stack one in and one out scenario.
It’s called timed approaches it’s in the 7110

You can mix times approaches, 3 minute rule, SYD, 1 minute rule, 2 minute rule, tower applied visual separation, airplane applied visual separation, up in back off the ground, 44 kt rule, 22 kt rule, and more to move way more than 1 in 1 out with or without radar

You can do SYD with the tower so that’s a lie
Can’t do pilot applied visual into an uncontrolled field. Just an FYI. ????
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