Hiring Bid FAA-ATO-20-ALLSRCE-65607

Hey everyone,

Not sure if anyone knows about this: but I found a really helpful site to verify your work history and places of employment.

Came across this:


You just make an account, sign up, enter your social, and you can download a PDF report of all the places you've worked at. It gives you exact start/end dates.

It's free.

This has saved me so much time and headache trying to find numbers for HR for all those retail jobs I had over the years.

Hope this helps.

I'm not gonna presume to be able to tell people what to do, but I really am not inclined to enter my SSN into a website that isn't my bank or the government, personally...
TOL received July 7 here no EODS yet. So the name at the bottom of the "Accept" "Decline" portion of the TOL is where the initials are coming from? Haha. If that's the case then I received mine from D.L.P. I know this was already asked but when I try to view the attachment where this was asked it tells me I don't have permission to view it. Haha
TOL received July 7 here no EODS yet. So the name at the bottom of the "Accept" "Decline" portion of the TOL is where the initials are coming from? Haha. If that's the case then I received mine from D.L.P. I know this was already asked but when I try to view the attachment where this was asked it tells me I don't have permission to view it. Haha
Yes. Slumpy, you, and me all have the same rep, and no EODS. DP better get on it.
Yes. Slumpy, you, and me all have the same rep, and no EODS. DP better get on it.
Just be patient. Who knows what it's like to actually work in HR there except the actual employees. They may have a system and you don't know what other stuff they have going on.

None yet fyi, and my offer was not signed by DP or TH. However I will say the rep I am working with was a pleasure to work with when I spoke with them back in Oct about the first offer I turned down before taking this one.
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TOL received July 7 here no EODS yet. So the name at the bottom of the "Accept" "Decline" portion of the TOL is where the initials are coming from? Haha. If that's the case then I received mine from D.L.P. I know this was already asked but when I try to view the attachment where this was asked it tells me I don't have permission to view it. Haha
It was a 3 week gap from time of receiving a TOL then EODS email for me if that helps ease the nerves a bit.
Lol I had the same issue. Don't recall exactly who gave me the advice, but someone on here said to call medical and security for a follow up.

When I called, security said I was cleared, and medical said I was good to go but waiting on the flight surgeon. When I asked why it took almost 3 months she looked into it. Said that my flight surgeon was in the hospital and he had a stack just sitting there. Pulled my file and had another flight surgeon sign off lol. So if I didn't call, I have no clue how much longer I would have been waiting.
I just hit the 7 month mark for waiting for medical clearance, no tier 2, just a very extensive folder. Ive called and all I ever get is "its with the flight surgeon pending their review"
I just hit the 7 month mark for waiting for medical clearance, no tier 2, just a very extensive folder. Ive called and all I ever get is "its with the flight surgeon pending their review"
That's rough, I will go through my emails and email and AGL-AVS rep who helped me and drop the initials to see if that helps you.
Would it be smart to apply for another bid, even though a TOL was sent for a previous bid ?
I was just wondering the same thing, but I'm pretty sure the only reason you would re-apply is if you have NOT received a TOL. Once you have a TOL you WILL be going to the academy (assuming you pass your medical and security), and that's all that matters. Re-applying would just give you another chance at a TOL.
Does anyone know for certain when it’s okay to turn 31? I applied a month before my 29th birthday, and now, my 31st birthday is coming up in February. I have a TOL, cleared late April-ish, and based on everyone else’s dates, am optimistically expecting to get an early winter class date. Do you think I’m safe if I got a TOL and cleared? It would be so disappointing to wait nearly 2 years for this only to age out when I’m so close to getting the job.
Does anyone know for certain when it’s okay to turn 31? I applied a month before my 29th birthday, and now, my 31st birthday is coming up in February. I have a TOL, cleared late April-ish, and based on everyone else’s dates, am optimistically expecting to get an early winter class date. Do you think I’m safe if I got a TOL and cleared? It would be so disappointing to wait nearly 2 years for this only to age out when I’m so close to getting the job.
Your answer is in the FAQ. Your age is locked in already.
Does anyone know for certain when it’s okay to turn 31? I applied a month before my 29th birthday, and now, my 31st birthday is coming up in February. I have a TOL, cleared late April-ish, and based on everyone else’s dates, am optimistically expecting to get an early winter class date. Do you think I’m safe if I got a TOL and cleared? It would be so disappointing to wait nearly 2 years for this only to age out when I’m so close to getting the job.
You're fine. As far as this hiring bid is concerned, you are 28. They just look at your age at the closing date of the bid.
Yea I
Does anyone know for certain when it’s okay to turn 31? I applied a month before my 29th birthday, and now, my 31st birthday is coming up in February. I have a TOL, cleared late April-ish, and based on everyone else’s dates, am optimistically expecting to get an early winter class date. Do you think I’m safe if I got a TOL and cleared? It would be so disappointing to wait nearly 2 years for this only to age out when I’m so close to getting the job.
I applied to the '20 OTS bid when I was 30. Everything got pushed back by covid and I took atsa at 31 this may, but since i was not yet 31 at time of bid closing.
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