I've noticed a lot of the facility pages appear to be broken. Many have latin place holder text and the pay scales are nowhere near correct. Some are. FFZ for example seems to be fine but P50 seems to be broken. Same for enroute facility pages.
Any idea when the Google map facility tool will be working again? Tried digging around for an answer before posting, but old forum posts are a bitch to navigate through. (Assuming the op was asking about something similar but different than I am)
Any idea when the Google map facility tool will be working again? Tried digging around for an answer before posting, but old forum posts are a bitch to navigate through. (Assuming the op was asking about something similar but different than I am)
I asked in the chat on Nov 14th and MJ said no ETA. Google discontinued the thing s/he was using for it I guess, and s/he would have to do it manually.
Any idea when the Google map facility tool will be working again? Tried digging around for an answer before posting, but old forum posts are a bitch to navigate through. (Assuming the op was asking about something similar but different than I am)
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