Government Shutdown

can you be selectively on furlough? And it’s no guarantee we are paid.
Read what I linked above. You can request to be put on furlough instead of leave. And it also says this:

Treatment of Furloughed Employees
Under section 1341(c)(2), an employee who is furloughed as the result of a lapse in appropriations must be paid for furlough periods that occurred during the lapse. After the lapse ends, retroactive pay is provided at the employee’s “standard rate of pay.” If the pay cannot be provided on the normal pay date for the given pay period, it must be provided at the earliest date possible after the lapse ends.
It would be fantastic if that happened. Also, as a Kentucky fella, I am sorry to all of you for Rand and Mitch. Although I do like some stuff that Rand does, sometimes he's just a dingus.
I actually hate a lot of the stuff he's done but saying I'm sick of making Afghani kids skeletons and we're talking about this now is a good play
From Politico reporter Burgess Everett says Senate has reached agreement to pass continuing resolution today and extend government funding to December 18 (Note: This means that a government shutdown is averted, but stimulus talks remain in limbo)
better than a bunch of us getting laid off...

Although we are pleased that tonight’s impending shutdown likely will be avoided, the one-week CR reinforces our strong belief that the status quo is broken. The NAS requires a stable, predictable funding stream in order to adequately support: air traffic control services, staffing, hiring and training, long-term modernization projects, preventative maintenance, ongoing modernization to the physical infrastructure, and the timely implementation of NextGen modernization projects. The NAS continues to be challenged by the lack of a stable, predictable funding stream. The constant funding crises that arise from stop-and-go funding continue to wreak havoc on our system.
The TLDR is this was the bill that Trump threatened to veto if section 230 was not repealed. Both the House and the Senate voted to pass the NDAA by more than 2/3's support, which makes it 'veto-proof'. The only stipulation is that if Trump vetoes anyways, the Senate has to go back and revote on it, and if they fail to get 2/3's of the vote then we are back to square one. It's really going to depend on whether Republican senators are willing to go against Trump.
The TLDR is this was the bill that Trump threatened to veto if section 230 was not repealed. Both the House and the Senate voted to pass the NDAA by more than 2/3's support, which makes it 'veto-proof'. The only stipulation is that if Trump vetoes anyways, the Senate has to go back and revote on it, and if they fail to get 2/3's of the vote then we are back to square one. It's really going to depend on whether Republican senators are willing to go against Trump.
They have passed veto proof bills before and they refused to override him when he vetoed it
Any new RIF news??
The academy hasn't stopped teaching, there have been no buyout packages/early retirement offered, and the FAA has not put on a hiring freeze. The general consensus is that these would be early indicators of a RIF but any talk of RIF is just purely rumor at this time, despite whatever RVP somebody says to the contrary

They have passed veto proof bills before and they refused to override him when he vetoed it
Cartoon Yes GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
better than a bunch of us getting laid off...

Although we are pleased that tonight’s impending shutdown likely will be avoided, the one-week CR reinforces our strong belief that the status quo is broken. The NAS requires a stable, predictable funding stream in order to adequately support: air traffic control services, staffing, hiring and training, long-term modernization projects, preventative maintenance, ongoing modernization to the physical infrastructure, and the timely implementation of NextGen modernization projects. The NAS continues to be challenged by the lack of a stable, predictable funding stream. The constant funding crises that arise from stop-and-go funding continue to wreak havoc on our system.
This is exactly why we need privitization, look at canada-they are handling the pandemic perfect. Can't come in, you're fired

Hey isn't that a line from your president
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