Article 60 ... does it mean anything anymore?


Forum Sage
There’s article 60, which says after 8 years as a CPC at a location you can get priority consideration for vacancies at facilities at or below your current level facility. Was it ever used pre-NCEPT? Does it have any relevance now that NCEPT is the way things are done? Or did the NCEPT MOU basically eliminate this part of the contact?
There’s article 60, which says after 8 years as a CPC at a location you can get priority consideration for vacancies at facilities at or below your current level facility. Was it ever used pre-NCEPT? Does it have any relevance now that NCEPT is the way things are done? Or did the NCEPT MOU basically eliminate this part of the contact?
It puts you at the top of that facility's list but does not circumvent the National Release Policy
Your article 60 has been collaborated away. That way a freshly minted CPC at a level 5 can go to their dream 11-12 facility while you toil away at your first facility for 10 years. We all should have chosen to be placed somewhere better to start with.
Two NCEPTs ago, DFW was able to pick up 4. They got pick 1,2,3 and 7. Pick 7 in the ranking had an A60 from ZFW and became number 1 to DFW. Yes, it still is a thing.
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