Change in new hire personality type?


Trusted Contributor
Talking to a co-worker with 20 years in ( I'm a few years behind.) We both feel like most the new hires the last few years are much different. Controllers since I can remember have always had a majority edgey and/or rough neck personality. Especially when I hear stories about controllers from the 1980s 1990s and it was definitely still like that at my 1st facility in the mid 2000s. Lately newly hired controllers seem nicer, less rowdy, not into drinking after work, are less edgey, and argumentative, and even after one year probation and certification are still somewhat intimidated by management. I never remember controllers ever being the least bit intimidated by management, if anything management is intimidated by us controllers lol. They just seem so much different. Am I wrong and seeing something that isn't true? Or does it seem like the new workforce is just simply gentler and nicer and easier to deal with people. Nothing wrong with it, but it does seem like a bit more of them struggle to get certified, though they are very nice people. I'm very interested in other people's thoughts on this because I could be completely wrong.
Talking to a co-worker with 20 years in ( I'm a few years behind.) We both feel like most the new hires the last few years are much different. Controllers since I can remember have always had a majority edgey and/or rough neck personality. Especially when I hear stories about controllers from the 1980s 1990s and it was definitely still like that at my 1st facility in the mid 2000s. Lately newly hired controllers seem nicer, less rowdy, not into drinking after work, are less edgey, and argumentative, and even after one year probation and certification are still somewhat intimidated by management. I never remember controllers ever being the least bit intimidated by management, if anything management is intimidated by us controllers lol. They just seem so much different. Am I wrong and seeing something that isn't true? Or does it seem like the new workforce is just simply gentler and nicer and easier to deal with people. Nothing wrong with it, but it does seem like a bit more of them struggle to get certified, though they are very nice people. I'm very interested in other people's thoughts on this because I could be completely wrong.
Not disagreeing with your points, what you see is what you see. Recent wave, while probably more tech savvy/sharp minded, seem to have less common sense/situational awareness, are self obsessed, entitled, whiny & lazy. Generation thing or hiring methods?
Not disagreeing with your points, what you see is what you see. Recent wave, while probably more tech savvy/sharp minded, seem to have less common sense/situational awareness, are self obsessed, entitled, whiny & lazy. Generation thing or hiring methods?
So the difference I'm noticing is correct but me thinking it's the hiring is wrong. It's a generation difference. If that's the case why were multiple generations of controllers somewhere similar till recently?

It’s because testosterone levels are dropping so much generation after generation.
lol I don't even know how to respond to that lol.
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.


People have been saying the same shit for thousands of years
We realized the job is a job.

Also there is a steady decline of brotherhood. I don't really have my coworkers backs outside of work, not in a bad way, I just have my own life. None of the new hires can buy in the same town as the old guys so we aren't going to the same bars and family bbqs.

The simple truth is that this used to be a great job (many locations could be single 6 day a week income with a stay at home parent) and now I don't care if there's a staffing issue, I'm going to go hangout with my gf.

The club at facilities (and certain unions) is exclusive and generationally gated.

I'd rather just do my 7 and bounce
I agree 100%, it’s super odd. We had a crop of like 9 and the one female is seemingly the toughest and hardest working. All the dudes seem…not socially developed or mature. Like they are scared to even talk to you. It’s very odd
We realized the job is a job.

Also there is a steady decline of brotherhood. I don't really have my coworkers backs outside of work, not in a bad way, I just have my own life. None of the new hires can buy in the same town as the old guys so we aren't going to the same bars and family bbqs.

The simple truth is that this used to be a great job (many locations could be single 6 day a week income with a stay at home parent) and now I don't care if there's a staffing issue, I'm going to go hangout with my gf.

The club at facilities (and certain unions) is exclusive and generationally gated.

I'd rather just do my 7 and bounce
New hires can't buy in the same area as old timers at your facility? That's weird. I'm in a high cost of living area and new hires have no problem living where the older controllers are at. Sounds like that's maybe at your facility. Also I don't think the current older guys would have a problem hanging with younger controllers if they had more in common. I think it's just a personality difference if you ask me. Especially at a level 10 and up. Once you certified at a level 10 and up you can for the most part afford to live somewhere close to most your co workers outside a few cities
I agree 100%, it’s super odd. We had a crop of like 9 and the one female is seemingly the toughest and hardest working. All the dudes seem…not socially developed or mature. Like they are scared to even talk to you. It’s very odd
Their hiring add was targeted towards gamers
I agree 100%, it’s super odd. We had a crop of like 9 and the one female is seemingly the toughest and hardest working. All the dudes seem…not socially developed or mature. Like they are scared to even talk to you. It’s very odd
Man you are 100% describing what I'm talking about. I'm not crazy lol
Man you are 100% describing what I'm talking about. I'm not crazy lol
Maybe the FAA realized it is much easier to control and deal with these softer types? Pretty sure I remember taking some personality test where they asked me if I liked a nice poem or a well made gun. Weird ass questions , like do you love your mother lol
Maybe the FAA realized it is much easier to control and deal with these softer types? Pretty sure I remember taking some personality test where they asked me if I liked a nice poem or a well made gun. Weird ass questions , like do you love your mother lol
It was like 400+ of those type of questions. Took that test back in late 2006 at SCT when I was going through the "hiring process." I remember thinking the test was impossible to fail. Now I'm wondering if I'd still pass it today lol
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