Change in new hire personality type?

I think the “old timers” just have crappy attitudes (sometimes) and it turns people off from interacting with most of them. If you’re pleasant to be around, people are reciprocal. If you’re the cranky old fart, nobody wants to deal with you.

There’s plenty of camaraderie and hangouts among the younger people I’ve seen. Gaming, sports, whatever else. It’s just also harder for younger people to relate to older folks as easily unless there’s a common interest.
When you talk about old timers who do you mean? The 2008-2010 hires who are 40-43 now? I rarely see anyone 50+ anymore. I think only about 10% of the controller workforce is currently eligible to retire too, almost all of that past generation is gone now at least from the front line.
New hires can't buy in the same area as old timers at your facility? That's weird. I'm in a high cost of living area and new hires have no problem living where the older controllers are at. Sounds like that's maybe at your facility. Also I don't think the current older guys would have a problem hanging with younger controllers if they had more in common. I think it's just a personality difference if you ask me. Especially at a level 10 and up. Once you certified at a level 10 and up you can for the most part afford to live somewhere close to most your co workers outside a few cities
Fair point i did a bit of generalization. But i do think there is more of seperation between work and personal life. For better or for worse.

i do think its great having a small family environment in a cab where you generally trust the people around you and cookout and stuff and are cordial.

I do think it's also a veteran thing. As there's less vets the militaristic approach of bonding (giving each other shit etc) has just gone out the window. I can see why people would rather just be quiet, work, go home. It's just a changing workforce.

That being said the biggest hitters are the pandemic where trainees weren't forming those bonds and the lack of knowledge about how managers operated in 2005. We have very few people who lived through the white book-as a new trainee why would I ever fight what my manager tells me?

The generational differences and lack of knowledge will come full circle once the pendulum swings back to management's favor and they're dicks
When you talk about old timers who do you mean? The 2008-2010 hires who are 40-43 now? I rarely see anyone 50+ anymore. I think only about 10% of the controller workforce is currently eligible to retire too, almost all of that past generation is gone now at least from the front line.
I was just going to say this. There’s basically no old timers.
Fair point i did a bit of generalization. But i do think there is more of seperation between work and personal life. For better or for worse.

i do think its great having a small family environment in a cab where you generally trust the people around you and cookout and stuff and are cordial.

I do think it's also a veteran thing. As there's less vets the militaristic approach of bonding (giving each other shit etc) has just gone out the window. I can see why people would rather just be quiet, work, go home. It's just a changing workforce.

That being said the biggest hitters are the pandemic where trainees weren't forming those bonds and the lack of knowledge about how managers operated in 2005. We have very few people who lived through the white book-as a new trainee why would I ever fight what my manager tells me?

The generational differences and lack of knowledge will come full circle once the pendulum swings back to management's favor and they're dicks
There is unbelievably much less veterans which is hard for me to understand. I think maybe because I'm at a center and most vets are going to terminal facilities. But honestly I remember tons of vets coming to centers prior to 2015. It's strange

I was just going to say this. There’s basically no old timers.
Good point. Everyone hired in the 1980s is off the floor. Most the Early 1990s hires are off the floor. You're an old person if you were hired between 2004-2009. If you were hired pre 2010 the agency is almost a new planet and at late 30s Early 40s you are now the old person. And we are much much nicer than the people before us though
There is unbelievably much less veterans which is hard for me to understand. I think maybe because I'm at a center and most vets are going to terminal facilities. But honestly I remember tons of vets coming to centers prior to 2015. It's strange

Good point. Everyone hired in the 1980s is off the floor. Most the Early 1990s hires are off the floor. You're an old person if you were hired between 2004-2009. If you were hired pre 2010 the agency is almost a new planet and at late 30s Early 40s you are now the old person. And we are much much nicer than the people before us though
It seems cyclical tho. Everyone is getting fed up with the new trainees so people are getting meaner again. Getting your dick slapped over everything does work on some people
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.


People have been saying the same shit for thousands of years
The rise and fall of empires, typically characterized by the following stages, has been going on for thousands of years:

  • The Age of Pioneers (Outburst and Expansion)
  • The Age of Conquests
  • The Age of Commerce
  • The Age of Affluence
  • The Age of Intellect
  • The Age of Decadence
  • The Age of Decline & Collapse

Oh look another thread complaining about younger people. I enjoyed when the divorced boomer with anger issues complained to me that everyone was lazy for calling out on their overtime shifts.
Not complaining just noticed a difference and wondering if anyone else has. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with it
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Aren’t you at some kush DoD job because your credit got denied in the FAA?
I work with GulfBravoPapa, def not DoD…I was a 2014 hire and I bid 3rd from the bottom for the 2023 schedule. We just had a handful that certified below me. So next year I’ll have a choice…Tue/Wed or Wed/Thur 😍
But honestly I remember tons of vets coming to centers prior to 2015. It's strange

That’s about when prior experience started skipping the academy and going straight to their facilities based based on their prior experience so it was pretty much exclusively terminal.
The old crustie alphas are definitely long gone, altho u can find some of them still working contract jobs in the lab talking about the good old days of shrimp boats, fist fights, and smoking in the radar room. Isn't it funny to see these new kids with full tattoo sleeves as if they're Hells Angels, get in their Prius & drive home to play Call of Duty or simp for some Tinder Karen who they will inevitably cry about at work next week while barely being able to sequence 4 arrivals while they scroll TikTok in position. And whatever you not hurt their fragile feelings or say the wrong thing about the latest Social Justice initiative of the week, or welcome to EEO/ Weingarten hell, where it's still impossible to get in trouble but the facility acts as if you're already fired lol.

I've noticed that most of the noobs are just terrible fucking controllers too. Used to be that there was always a bad egg but in a crop of trainees there were still a few "good ones" who got it, now it seems like that's maybe 1 out of 10 and because that is such a unicorn that person gets treated as if they're a presumptive future Archie League winner in waiting. This is nationwide , hence the 20% OJTI N90 styled bribes.

And how many so-called "military controllers" have u got at your facility and they plug in & you go...Holy shit this mofo has clearly NEVER talked to planes.

"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times."

Brace for the hard times that are coming w these pussies in the workforce. Austins Juicy Smollet special will look like child's play compared to whatever catastrophe finally doesn't get saved by TCAS.
I think ex military controllers have always been a mixed bag. Some are as advertised while others make you question if they weren't really a cook and lied on their application lol. The crazy thing to me is the way things were with the old timers wasn't good either. It was a pretty toxic work place. Just goes to show nothing is ever perfect.

Friggin Zoomers. Back in my day (three years ago) we used to slap our dicks on the sups desk on the first day.
This is gold!!!! lol you win comment of the day!!!! lol
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