Shoot The Breeze

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I completely forgot about my favorite NY law that bans the auto lock on gas pumps because the State of New York likes to remind you who's in charge and make you manually hold the gas pump while freezing your balls off in subzero temps. But hey, at least they protect us from rogue gas pumps malfunctioning and flooding the whole town with gasoline even though I've never heard of that happening.

Good thing I'm a rebel and risk being charged confiscatory taxes in the form of a ticket by shoving my gas cap in there to really stick it to the man.

Man this would piss me off.

Should I tell you guys of Oregon, where the guy working at Fred Meyer's gets paid $16 an hour to stand out in the shitty weather and pump your gas for you?
TRIGGER WARNING HOT TAKE INCOMING: Look, FDR was wrong then and he's wrong now. You can't change the basic laws of economics, which I have already covered in previous posts. I'm sorry to say it but if you can't obtain enough skills to get a steady job to even provide enough for yourself, you most certainly shouldn't reproduce and bring kids into a shitty situation. I make decent money and even I don't think I can support a 2 child family adequately on my income, at least not without feeling like I was poor and living pay check to pay check. Why should I hold off on having kids until I feel like I could adequately support them but pay a fuck ton in taxes to subsidize the lifestyle and poor choices of Steve, the lead fry cook down at McBurger N the Box? Bad news for me is Steve fucks like a porn star and when he realizes he done messed up and knocked up his drug addict girlfriend twice, he realizes responsibilities suck and dips out so now we all get to pay to raise Steve's kids already. I'm not sorry that I don't want to take responsibility for Steve and his high school dropout gf that was dumb enough to get in bed with him.

Ironically, it would be much easier for people to support themselves and a family if taxes weren't so high, the Fed wasn't debasing the currency, and banks paid a historically normal rate of interest (say 5%). There used to be a time when people could just go to high school, graduate and get a job, and be the sole income provider for his family with 5 kids and live a decent middle class lifestyle. My grandfather did it, as well as many others like him. That is basically impossible to do today. You have to ask yourself what has changed since then, and no the answer isn't that the minimum wage hasn't kept up because it's not like my they my grandpa or others were making minimum wage supporting their families. The answer lies in the Fed and sound money and all of the central government planning that has destroyed this country the ability for people's standard of living to keep up with real inflation, not the phony numbers the government produces. It lies in the higher taxes levied to pay for all this wonderful government with its ever expanding laws, regulations, corruption, and fat salaries and benefits for its workers. The private citizens have been getting squeezed for the last century but it's never been more apparent than right now. Any well intentioned law you think would fix the problems we have today would only exacerbate it.

So much wrong with this. Foremost, there is no matter in all of humanity which can be addressed by a single topic. The economical situations in many countries are a fine balance of market principles and morality. Forsaking one for the other is a trash opinion and results in the collapse of the other.

Let them eat cake though I assume.

Compared to 1968, today's minimum wage is 25% lower when accounted for inflation. Meanwhile goods are 641.98% more expensive today.

Housing prices adjusted for inflation.
  • 1940: $30,600
  • 1950: $44,600
  • 1960: $58,600
  • 1970: $65,600
  • 1980: $93,400
  • 1990: $101,100
  • 2000: $119,600
Meanwhile CEO pay has risen 940% vs the average worker rise of 12%

Obviously there is nothing morally wrong and the US has not turned into a government ran by corporatism. Obviously people just need more skills.
Should I tell you guys of Oregon, where the guy working at Fred Meyer's gets paid $16 an hour to stand out in the shitty weather and pump your gas for you?
this doesn’t piss me off
Should I tell you guys of Oregon, where the guy working at Fred Meyer's gets paid $16 an hour to stand out in the shitty weather and pump your gas for you?

So much wrong with this. Foremost, there is no matter in all of humanity which can be addressed by a single topic. The economical situations in many countries are a fine balance of market principles and morality. Forsaking one for the other is a trash opinion and results in the collapse of the other.

Let them eat cake though I assume.

Compared to 1968, today's minimum wage is 25% lower when accounted for inflation. Meanwhile goods are 641.98% more expensive today.

Housing prices adjusted for inflation.
  • 1940: $30,600
  • 1950: $44,600
  • 1960: $58,600
  • 1970: $65,600
  • 1980: $93,400
  • 1990: $101,100
  • 2000: $119,600
Meanwhile CEO pay has risen 940% vs the average worker rise of 12%

Obviously there is nothing morally wrong and the US has not turned into a government ran by corporatism. Obviously people just need more skills.
NJ does it too and somehow their gas is cheaper than around here. However, it would be even cheaper if politicians didn't legislate such nonsense that I can't even pump my own gas. That is literally the definition of a make work job.

Of course the U.S. has become morally bankrupt but you guys are missing the heart of the problem. One of the many sins of our government is to purposely understate the true level inflation so they can create more of it because every government economist believes inflation is a good thing. It's not. Inflation hurts the poor the most and benefits the asset owning class. But politicians love giving out something for nothing so they buy the votes of the uneducated with promises of free goodies paid for by the printing press which in turn creates more inflation. Governments like inflation because it inflates away their debt while eroding the savings and purchasing power of its citizens. It is a very stealthy and roundabout way to tax people which I forgot to include in my tax breakdown. The reason we have so much corporatism and corruption and wealth inequality is because the government has way too much power in this country. They dole out special favors to the well connected who help them get elected and stay in power. My solutions involve stripping said powers from government so no one gets special anything. Many of you guys' solutions involve giving the government more power to try to right the wrongs they've created but refuse to admit they've caused. Have you ever seen some of these congressional hearings? Either these politicians are so dumb they legitimately don't realize that they are the problem or they are so corrupt that they play dumb and try to redirect the blame elsewhere so they can continue coming up with more fixes to their problems. Either way, I don't want to cede any more control of my life to them than I have to.
NJ does it too and somehow their gas is cheaper than around here. However, it would be even cheaper if politicians didn't legislate such nonsense that I can't even pump my own gas. That is literally the definition of a make work job.

Of course the U.S. has become morally bankrupt but you guys are missing the heart of the problem. One of the many sins of our government is to purposely understate the true level inflation so they can create more of it because every government economist believes inflation is a good thing. It's not. Inflation hurts the poor the most and benefits the asset owning class. But politicians love giving out something for nothing so they buy the votes of the uneducated with promises of free goodies paid for by the printing press which in turn creates more inflation. Governments like inflation because it inflates away their debt while eroding the savings and purchasing power of its citizens. It is a very stealthy and roundabout way to tax people which I forgot to include in my tax breakdown. The reason we have so much corporatism and corruption and wealth inequality is because the government has way too much power in this country. They dole out special favors to the well connected who help them get elected and stay in power. My solutions involve stripping said powers from government so no one gets special anything. Many of you guys' solutions involve giving the government more power to try to right the wrongs they've created but refuse to admit they've caused. Have you ever seen some of these congressional hearings? Either these politicians are so dumb they legitimately don't realize that they are the problem or they are so corrupt that they play dumb and try to redirect the blame elsewhere so they can continue coming up with more fixes to their problems. Either way, I don't want to cede any more control of my life to them than I have to.
Did you not see my previous post?
I don’t see a problem with providing a ladder to people who are stuck in a hole, but it has to be their choice to climb it.

Make subsidized college loans easier to get to help people rise above burger flipping jobs, but this nonsense of just giving people money is ridiculous.
I don’t see a problem with providing a ladder to people who are stuck in a hole, but it has to be their choice to climb it.

Make subsidized college loans easier to get to help people rise above burger flipping jobs, but this nonsense of just giving people money is ridiculous.
At the end of the day you still need people to make the burgers. That’s the fundamental problem. If the burger people can afford to pay rent and buy things the whole economy. (Well thé middle class) is much better off.
Yeah and I decided to have 2 roommates on L11 pay in NYC because I would rather dump money into my student loans and max out my TSP than live in a nice big apartment. It's called prioritizing. You can work a minimum wage job and find a way to put $100 a paycheck into a 401k. I did it before I got hired by the FAA and had close to $15k in 3 years.
So 100 a month for 36 months-you can turn 3600 into 15 k. I could give handles on the corner and make 100
NJ does it too and somehow their gas is cheaper than around here. However, it would be even cheaper if politicians didn't legislate such nonsense that I can't even pump my own gas. That is literally the definition of a make work job.

Of course the U.S. has become morally bankrupt but you guys are missing the heart of the problem. One of the many sins of our government is to purposely understate the true level inflation so they can create more of it because every government economist believes inflation is a good thing. It's not. Inflation hurts the poor the most and benefits the asset owning class. But politicians love giving out something for nothing so they buy the votes of the uneducated with promises of free goodies paid for by the printing press which in turn creates more inflation. Governments like inflation because it inflates away their debt while eroding the savings and purchasing power of its citizens. It is a very stealthy and roundabout way to tax people which I forgot to include in my tax breakdown. The reason we have so much corporatism and corruption and wealth inequality is because the government has way too much power in this country. They dole out special favors to the well connected who help them get elected and stay in power. My solutions involve stripping said powers from government so no one gets special anything. Many of you guys' solutions involve giving the government more power to try to right the wrongs they've created but refuse to admit they've caused. Have you ever seen some of these congressional hearings? Either these politicians are so dumb they legitimately don't realize that they are the problem or they are so corrupt that they play dumb and try to redirect the blame elsewhere so they can continue coming up with more fixes to their problems. Either way, I don't want to cede any more control of my life to them than I have to.
Of course the rich get richer off of inflation, and on top of that, the government assists them.

I'm not saying more government control, and I'm not saying a free market is functional (in today's day and age it can't work). I'm saying that there is a growing and massive gap between those who drive production and those who take "risks" because most businesses don't take risks anymore, it's profitable to fail due to government backing (Trump). I'm saying as a conglomerate of people there needs to be more unionization and a move into a larger profit-sharing model like the Costco model, great benefits, competitive pay etc etc because there isn't a corporate leadership leaching.

I wish every employee at every McDonalds would just walk off the job (but they have to afford to live) to demand a share of the CEOs pay at 1,939 times the average employee and the kicker to it all, is whatever happens the CEO is safe but there is no safety net for the people. Removing everything would be a wholesale slaughter of the average person by the elite who would take advantage of every little bit, so the only resort is to give the people backing and enforce some morality in business.

He just runs a burger restaurant, those are base skills, no reason he should make so much more than the average employee.
Not exactly true, since I make closer to 400k than 200k I decided to read up on it.

Only real impact is no more FICA cap, otherwise everything stays the same. I end up paying an extra 4k a year in SS tax, I’ll be okay.
The fica cap is ridiculous tho. It’s cool for those right above it as a little bonus. But for those that make a shit ton. It’s ridiculous.

im looking forward to paying double social security in Q1. Thanks donald very cool.
Of course the rich get richer off of inflation, and on top of that, the government assists them.

I'm not saying more government control, and I'm not saying a free market is functional (in today's day and age it can't work). I'm saying that there is a growing and massive gap between those who drive production and those who take "risks" because most businesses don't take risks anymore, it's profitable to fail due to government backing (Trump). I'm saying as a conglomerate of people there needs to be more unionization and a move into a larger profit-sharing model like the Costco model, great benefits, competitive pay etc etc because there isn't a corporate leadership leaching.

I wish every employee at every McDonalds would just walk off the job (but they have to afford to live) to demand a share of the CEOs pay at 1,939 times the average employee and the kicker to it all, is whatever happens the CEO is safe but there is no safety net for the people. Removing everything would be a wholesale slaughter of the average person by the elite who would take advantage of every little bit, so the only resort is to give the people backing and enforce some morality in business.

He just runs a burger restaurant, those are base skills, no reason he should make so much more than the average employee.
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