Types of posters on this site:


Legendary Member
I feel like this site has a distinct caste of posters, if I left some out, please add them-

N90 mafia: real or imagined. They fail everyone out and just want their overtime according to some. Most new ones loathe Long Island and wish for sweet escape but know they are doomed till death or hardship. But hey, 300k....

Boomers: trainees should be seen and not heard! Stay out of the break room! Earn your break. Take those shit days off. Back in my day.... you should have seen the traffic before, it was always busier before you got here.

Alpha (Atlas) controllers: I work in the busiest XXX. The other areas suck, my facility is the best, I can’t believe those guys get 12 pay for that....

The Entitled: I can’t believe I’ve been at my first tower for a whole year already when I said I’d go anywhere and NCEPT still hasn’t picked me up yet for DEN.

Washouts: I failed but most of the time it wasn’t my fault. And if it was, there was probably some extenuating circumstance like a really mean guy in Oklahoma who wore suspenders

Trolls: Paul said training was going to start tomorrow. Trump will fix this whole mess. BLM, defund the police! When’s Fauci? Illuminati? Triggered. #hashtags. Best job in the world.

Disgruntled trainees: It’s been 3 months 29 days 7 hours and 57 minutes since the last time I got training. I need to train. Why am I not training? Here’s my chance to make it through without a review board this time and no skill enhancement training.

For the record, I am a boomer/troll. But not old enough to be a boomer, it’s a state of mind....
How about the people that would literally stab a trainee in the back to get an extra week of 5 and 5 (or 5/10), say trainees need to shut up and be grateful for their “free vacation” if they voice any frustration, but then bitch about not getting hazard pay? Oh and they love to preach it’s all “aBoUt SaFeTy” but then refuse to wear a mask. Those people are fun!
You missed one type. A Bully. And that’s what you are - making a post that does nothing except throws salt into the wounds of 100s if your coworkers. You’re a jerk.

A 100% correct. Yet every time I transfer people miss working with me, or so they say. Or they even tell me I shouldn’t leave.

I haven’t figured it out yet either. And people still want me to train them. Maybe it’s because I am honest. But I am an asshole. But you’d be surprised over the course of my career how much I have done to further and improve the training of others. But online, yeah, total dick.
N90 mafia: real or imagined. They fail everyone out and just want their overtime according to some. Most new ones loathe Long Island and wish for sweet escape but know they are doomed till death or hardship. But hey, 300k....

NAILED IT. fucking epic thread, but i particularly like the N90 sub category. Thsi acknowledges that they are their own world and anything they say is pretty much irrelevant to the other 311 facilities, who dont operate by the same rules. Should throw in a line about how anyone who doesnt agree with their scam extra CIP, OJTI, etc should "come try it!" (so they can get off on maliciously washing you out).

Only a skydiver who risks death for momentary thrills to be able to withstand otherwise mundane life, has the balls to call this out ... cuz DANGER! Dean Potter is smiling down.

Also, im gonna need my own category. Or at least allowed to claim Hybrid status :lol:

Sandbagger who mostly just reads the posts in anonymity and watches on the side : these people live in the shadows. When a topic comes up that piques their interest or triggers them (like when LEAD004 recently came out HOT with some anti PushingTin fire "you literally comment on everything! you are BAD!" Or someone like AnyTrafficPleaseAdvise who lurks in the back round rarely posts but when he does its smart shit.

Supposed Controller Girlfriends/Spouses of Would-Be Controllers: "Hello everyone, this my first post! ? My husband is about to go to the Academy. Do you think we should have kids before he is CPC!? And like, ive totally been told ATC is stressful? And lot of divorces? How can me and my BAE avoid these pitfalls! XOXO thx bye

Random guy looking for obscure info on how to get hired at a certain DOD/Midwest facility: Hey ya'll im from Lower Alabama. I grew up noodlin catfish and spring breakin in Panama City. Even tho im a dood i got 3 trampstamps on the small of my back. anywho i just separated from the marine Corp (Hooo0rahh!!) and i only want to work at Cairns Army Airfield. how do i apply? What do i put on my application? Who can i use as references? how much does that job even pay? How long does it take to get hired? Any info appreshiated thanks yall
Well rounded overall friendly poster: A rare group, especially since the site is probably mostly brand new people trying to get hired or info on how to. They've likely been to multiple facilities. Have useful info to share and often do, but not in a pretentious way. Sometimes veer into alpha territory, but aren't alphas personified. examples: GulfCharlie and Josephml21 . they do not claim Alpha status and also do not necessarily troll. I'd like to be in this category in a perfect world; but alas, i have too much troll DNA. I didnt always used to be this way, the world did this to me!
Sandbagger who mostly just reads the posts in anonymity and watches on the side : these people live in the shadows. When a topic comes up that piques their interest or triggers them (like when LEAD004 recently came out HOT with some anti PushingTin fire "you literally comment on everything! you are BAD!" Or someone like AnyTrafficPleaseAdvise who lurks in the back round rarely posts but when he does its smart shit.

Supposed Controller Girlfriends/Spouses of Would-Be Controllers: "Hello everyone, this my first post! ? My husband is about to go to the Academy. Do you think we should have kids before he is CPC!? And like, ive totally been told ATC is stressful? And lot of divorces? How can me and my BAE avoid these pitfalls! XOXO thx bye

Random guy looking for obscure info on how to get hired at a certain DOD/Midwest facility: Hey ya'll im from Lower Alabama. I grew up noodlin catfish and spring breakin in Panama City. Even tho im a dood i got 3 trampstamps on the small of my back. anywho i just separated from the marine Corp (Hooo0rahh!!) and i only want to work at Cairns Army Airfield. how do i apply? What do i put on my application? Who can i use as references? how much does that job even pay? How long does it take to get hired? Any info appreshiated thanks yall
NArcs: Front line managers/Operation Sups in the agency who would never admit on P65 that they are in fact sups. They are not respected at work, do not feel challenged in their careers, are not respected or support by those above OR below them, and generally hate their life. Sometimes they post good shit that everyone can get behind (because they have a certain degree of inside info), but every now and then their true colors come out and they post some #bestJobInTheWorld hot take that is meant to put the NATCA scammers on blast in a way that gives the NARCS a little pants tent; that always falls flat and ends in blue ballz. These people come home and tell their spouses how fucking terrible the controllers are as employees, how vital they are in holding the NAS together (barely!), and how unfair it is that slobs who wear Tie dye mustard stained Grateful Dead tshirts to work, make more money and are smarter than them. they are the kind of people who constantly reference what jobs are like "in the real world", while scamming hundreds of hours of Credit Leave and denying OT as if its coming out of their own wallet. they also try to Dox ppl behind the scenes and say shit like "you better be careful, its not safe to post stuff like that". I wont name any NARCs, but i have my suspicions!

You should hop on Facebook and tell Paul or trish that someone is being mean to you. They will handle it. Until then, wait in your safe space.
This is stupid but I lol’d

NArcs: Front line managers/Operation Sups in the agency who would never admit on P65 that they are in fact sups. They are not respected at work, do not feel challenged in their careers, are not respected or support by those above OR below them, and generally hate their life. Sometimes they post good shit that everyone can get behind (because they have a certain degree of inside info), but every now and then their true colors come out and they post some #bestJobInTheWorld hot take that is meant to put the NATCA scammers on blast in a way that gives the NARCS a little pants tent; that always falls flat and ends in blue ballz. These people come home and tell their spouses how fucking terrible the controllers are as employees, how vital they are in holding the NAS together (barely!), and how unfair it is that slobs who wear Tie dye mustard stained Grateful Dead tshirts to work, make more money and are smarter than them. they are the kind of people who constantly reference what jobs are like "in the real world", while scamming hundreds of hours of Credit Leave and denying OT as if its coming out of their own wallet. they also try to Dox ppl behind the scenes and say shit like "you better be careful, its not safe to post stuff like that". I wont name any NARCs, but i have my suspicions!

Name them please ?
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