What do you plan on doing after you retire?


Trusted Contributor
I'm gonna assume that the majority of the people who post on this site are still well off from the mandatory retirement age, but maybe you can answer this based on what you've seen other controllers do after they retire.

Do you have a side gig or hobby that you would probably dive into? Or maybe you plan on getting a tiny house and traveling the world?
Assuming finances are in order, we are moving to follow my football team. Season tickets. Away games. Downtown during the week to talk about the last/next game. Good times will be had.
We have two semi-close to retirement. From my understanding one is planning to move to Montana and the other Thailand
My wife is Turkish and assuming Turkey isn’t an Islamic republic by then we may buy a home on the Aegean or Med and retire there. If the exchange rate stays like it is right now we’ll be doing quite well for ourselves.
I second the Thailand choice don't know if I'd move there long term but I would definitely spend at least 3 months there. Outside of that my wife and I will be traveling the world.
To quote the honorable Jay and Silent Bob:

Fuck fuck fuck
Motha motha fuck motha motha fuck fuck
Motha fuck motha fuck
Noische noische noische
1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4 noische noische noische
Smoking weed smoking wiz
Doing coke drinking beers drinking beers beers beers
Rolling fatties smoking blunts
Who smokes the blunts?
We smoke the blunts?
We smoke the blunts and smokin em
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I'm retiring in 5 months (age 52), and there's a high chance that I end up moving either in Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, or the Dominican Republic. In any case, I'l be traveling all over the world for the next 10 years or so. Depends on how quickly I burn through my TSP money! 😛
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