February (Q2) 2022

I'm so confused on how this worked... how does a place like PHL with less than 60% staffing not pick up a single person? Shouldn't they have been the first slot to be filled? Also other facilities that need people didn't pick anyone up.
I'm so confused on how this worked... how does a place like PHL with less than 60% staffing not pick up a single person? Shouldn't they have been the first slot to be filled? Also other facilities that need people didn't pick anyone up.
USAjobs bid trumps NCEPT
At this point is NCEPT WORSE than the "old way", IE networking on your own w facilities and securing a transfer and release date through the ATMs? Seems like the old way was probably more fair than what this has morphed into; which is basically union favoritism/nepotism/PAC/ever-chaning-rules/favored facilities/de facto blacklists etc.

P.s. u cant quit until next JAN, but you can put in a hardship today and/or apply for bids.
NCEPT is really called The Cuckening by all who know better and refuse to buy the proper kneepads and fellate the proper people. I know 2 brave young controllers who are resigning to pursue DOD jobs, so as not to not accept the chains of their NCEPT captivity and waste away the prime of their lives wallowing in anger, bitterness, and self-pity in some god forsaken shithole like ROC, hoping that their overlords will deign to allow them to improve their station. How much you willing to up your PAC, cucks?

NCEPT is really called The Cuckening by all who know better and refuse to buy the proper kneepads and fellate the proper people. I know 2 brave young controllers who are resigning to pursue DOD jobs, so as not to not accept the chains of their NCEPT captivity and waste away the prime of their lives wallowing in anger, bitterness, and self-pity in some god forsaken shithole like ROC, hoping that their overlords will deign to allow them to improve their station. How much you willing to up your PAC, cucks?

Hazzy, you're a riot. I only come here to check for your posts.
NCEPT is really called The Cuckening by all who know better and refuse to buy the proper kneepads and fellate the proper people. I know 2 brave young controllers who are resigning to pursue DOD jobs, so as not to not accept the chains of their NCEPT captivity and waste away the prime of their lives wallowing in anger, bitterness, and self-pity in some god forsaken shithole like ROC, hoping that their overlords will deign to allow them to improve their station. How much you willing to up your PAC, cucks?

Did you know ROC gets CIP payments?
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