I hope he lets us all know what facility he gets if he makes it through OKC so we can follow his progress and cheer him on and then once certified follow his lead when he is part of all the solutions.
I already enjoy training as it is. I’d happily put my tickets on the line for him!
Close N90. No one wants to live on that crap island and people only go there for money. And the old bastards who don’t want to certify anyone or will only do it for the money? Take your 30k move money and shut up.
Don’t you hate when you see a website link that boasts the top 10, or 25, or 50 or whatever and you open it and it’s a fucking slideshow where they expect you to click every time to advance the page and watch a ad between each page? It also freezes up shit ass internet explorer most of the time. Can’t believe it’s been 30 years and there is no mainstream successors to IE.
Alright since this is designated the shitposting thread, what was on Five pictures your moderator DOESN'T want you to see!! (Number 3 will shock you!!) ? ?

I edited a few of Trump's tweets about twitter to be him complaining about .65 stifling free speech, I can pm them to you if you want since I guess I can't post them

I also said nobody is forcing anyone to read pushingtin's threads so why lock them

Got hit with the classic authority double down with the lock and edit, what can ya do
I’m the good moderator here.

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