2024 NATCA President Election

I quit on ya’ll but pretty please go get me a raise, my opinions matter I’m a real boy
Hard to take the frat boys serious, hard to take the Agency serious with the trainees we getting. Paid my dues bitch while they was coastin, drinkin in Vegas doing jack shit, collaboratin to the death. Should have saved those dues i paid for when they need it. It’s not like their transfer process helped me make more money cause people getting stuck so had to give myself a raise and invest that shit cause that NATCA investment was getting stagnant AF!
100%. And the boat option, believe it or not, was an equal or cheaper option than many of the other places that could potentially accommodate groups of our magnitude. Lenny, you literally should stop talking, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Start contributing when you actually have something meaningful to contribute, PLEASE.
Ok show me how the yacht was cheaper this is a new stance.
Here’s an idea if going somewhere with just your region is cheaper, do that and meet up after. You don’t have to combine regions and get a yacht because there wasn’t a restaurant that could fit 3 regions. Or I don’t know just get a restaurant with 2 regions!
Hard to take the frat boys serious, hard to take the Agency serious with the trainees we getting. Paid my dues bitch while they was coastin, drinkin in Vegas doing jack shit, collaboratin to the death. Should have saved those dues i paid for when they need it. It’s not like their transfer process helped me make more money cause people getting stuck so had to give myself a raise and invest that shit cause that NATCA investment was getting stagnant AF!
Quit all you want. Part of quitting is shutting the fuck up
What did the other regions do? Where did nick and Jamaal announce their candidacy?

I’ll answer since you won’t. Every other region went to a restaurant. Nick and Jamaal announced on a yacht. The math was also done here on pointsixtyfive and the yacht cost more than any other regions dinners

Ok show me how the yacht was cheaper this is a new stance.
Here’s an idea if going somewhere with just your region is cheaper, do that and meet up after. You don’t have to combine regions and get a yacht because there wasn’t a restaurant that could fit 3 regions. Or I don’t know just get a restaurant with 2 regions!
I said “equal or cheaper.” It was right in line with other options. That’s my point. You like to go on forums and spit a bunch of bull shit and not pay attention to actual facts. For example, you read what I posted as “cheaper.” Read the whole thing. You consistently just pick bits and pieces of information and mislead people. That’s my point. I’ve kept my mouth shut for a long time about it, but it’s just getting old. You go on and on and on and have no idea what you’re talking about. That shit you pulled with Mary. Absolutely unacceptable. I don’t know who you are or what your story is, but from this end- it’s pathetic. I wish you more happiness, because apparently you need it since all you do is go around spitting hate and misinformation. You’re the Donald Trump of .65 and Reddit. I wouldn’t be feeling very good about myself if I were you. The way you spend your time is probably trauma-driven and for that, I feel sorry for you. Wish you the best, though.
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Hard to take the frat boys serious, hard to take the Agency serious with the trainees we getting. Paid my dues bitch while they was coastin, drinkin in Vegas doing jack shit, collaboratin to the death. Should have saved those dues i paid for when they need it. It’s not like their transfer process helped me make more money cause people getting stuck so had to give myself a raise and invest that shit cause that NATCA investment was getting stagnant AF!

Just for shits and giggles I ran the numbers had I contributed to: FXAIX, FXMAX, FXKAX, and IWM… boy we missed out :/
Quit all you want. Part of quitting is shutting the fuck up
See this is part of the problem. People become so disenfranchised with the direction of the Union that people believe they should not have an opinion anymore if they quit. Quitting the union (for most that I know) is not a lack of belief in labour representation but an intolerant attitude towards the blatant corruption that has become another “way of life” for NATCA.

A majority of people are just content to slide away because it is not worth the time and effort to try and fix the core problem. Now perhaps I am taking what you mean out of context but this is the exact attitude that will one day backfire spectacularly on NATCA given then mentality of “well you do something about it,” “no not like that…”
See this is part of the problem. People become so disenfranchised with the direction of the Union that people believe they should not have an opinion anymore if they quit. Quitting the union (for most that I know) is not a lack of belief in labour representation but an intolerant attitude towards the blatant corruption that has become another “way of life” for NATCA.

A majority of people are just content to slide away because it is not worth the time and effort to try and fix the core problem. Now perhaps I am taking what you mean out of context but this is the exact attitude that will one day backfire spectacularly on NATCA given then mentality of “well you do something about it,” “no not like that…”
This right here is what is driving members away more than this election, more than pay, more than NCEPT.
But the good ole boys are too messed up to see it. Starting to think Rich is the right person for the job right now, he’s had to deal with all the good old boys wanting to grow the frat house. If he wins Nick and Jamall can be sunsetted and the union can move forward hopefully in a better direction with less alcohol and wasted dues.
This right here is what is driving members away more than this election, more than pay, more than NCEPT.
But the good ole boys are too messed up to see it. Starting to think Rich is the right person for the job right now, he’s had to deal with all the good old boys wanting to grow the frat house. If he wins Nick and Jamall can be sunsetted and the union can move forward hopefully in a better direction with less alcohol and wasted dues.
Perhaps I am a bit more radical than you, I say vote them ALL out. Honestly it would be the shot across the bow or the wake up call the NEB needs to realise times are changing.
See this is part of the problem. People become so disenfranchised with the direction of the Union that people believe they should not have an opinion anymore if they quit. Quitting the union (for most that I know) is not a lack of belief in labour representation but an intolerant attitude towards the blatant corruption that has become another “way of life” for NATCA.

A majority of people are just content to slide away because it is not worth the time and effort to try and fix the core problem. Now perhaps I am taking what you mean out of context but this is the exact attitude that will one day backfire spectacularly on NATCA given then mentality of “well you do something about it,” “no not like that…”
Not giving a fuck what non members think is absolutely not part of the problem. Punitive action against members or leaders for differing opinions/actions? Yea, huge problem if that’s happening. If that’s what you’re getting at
Not giving a fuck what non members think is absolutely not part of the problem. Punitive action against members or leaders for differing opinions/actions? Yea, huge problem if that’s happening. If that’s what you’re getting at
It is part of the problem, we should be trying to win people back but we cannot even have civil discourse without each side trying to bushwhack the other. If? It is happening. If you think that they do not shut down dissent I would love to have the drugs you are. It is part of the reason people leave.
I think if you're a training failure you shouldn't be considered before your coworkers who have never washed. Seeing someone leave the building once and come back and still get out before you get your shot is ridiculous.

And they get CoS leave both ways while you're working 6 day weeks. Brutal.
Seen this exact shit happen with a Z washout at my facility. Can’t blame them tho at the end of the day, it’s the game not the players.
It is part of the problem, we should be trying to win people back but we cannot even have civil discourse without each side trying to bushwhack the other. If? It is happening. If you think that they do not shut down dissent I would love to have the drugs you are. It is part of the reason people leave.
I thought this as well at one of the solidarity events near me last year with Santa and the RVP. Anyone upset about having to get the vaccine and the unions response was a “degen and a piece of shit and Natca doesn’t need them; fuck em.” Then out the other side of their mouths was the “we need every member, we need people involved and every vote counts” rhetoric.
I thought this as well at one of the solidarity events near me last year with Santa and the RVP. Anyone upset about having to get the vaccine and the unions response was a “degen and a piece of shit and Natca doesn’t need them; fuck em.” Then out the other side of their mouths was the “we need every member, we need people involved and every vote counts” rhetoric.
The amount of people vilified, told they should be fired (one particular former RVP comes to mind..), and blatantly told not to expect representation for refusing the vaccines due to medical and religious reasons is one of the saddest chapters in our Union's history.
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