2024 NATCA President Election

I said “equal or cheaper.” It was right in line with other options. That’s my point. You like to go on forums and spit a bunch of bull shit and not pay attention to actual facts. For example, you read what I posted as “cheaper.” Read the whole thing. You consistently just pick bits and pieces of information and mislead people. That’s my point. I’ve kept my mouth shut for a long time about it, but it’s just getting old. You go on and on and on and have no idea what you’re talking about. That shit you pulled with Mary. Absolutely unacceptable. I don’t know who you are or what your story is, but from this end- it’s pathetic. I wish you more happiness, because apparently you need it since all you do is go around spitting hate and misinformation. You’re the Donald Trump of .65 and Reddit. I wouldn’t be feeling very good about myself if I were you. The way you spend your time is probably trauma-driven and for that, I feel sorry for you. Wish you the best, though.
First of all their solidarity event was more than anyone else. It was only equal when you start adding in shit that’s outside of the cost of the event. The yacht was more expensive than any other solidarity event. Period. I don’t get to add in the environmental cost of taking a yacht while everyone else has to goto a restaurant. Keep your anonymous ass in its place you’re not on my level.

The problem with your guys cult following of NDJh is anyone who disagrees or points out literally what they do is despicable. Sad part is you guys don’t even realize you’re in a cult and those are the people it’s so hard to save from the cult
You’re so funny. All your ASSumptions just prove my point. Your level? I’m sure no one wants to be on your level because you are completely unstable and have no idea what you’re talking about. For the record, you haven’t provided a single fact for your arguments you just keep blabbing based on things you’ve heard from other people. You’ve clearly been left out of the in-crowd and fish for information on forums to build your “cases.” It’s pathetic. I think I figured out who you are, and if I’m right… all the more reason to have very little respect for you. Now fuck off.
Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four
Saying in my opinion the hardship wasn’t legit is my opinion. You’re despicable for supporting Nick and Jamaal which does far more harm than any opinion does . The internet makes weak men like you verrrry brave because you get to stay anonymous. If we were in the same room your head would be down hoping I didn’t know it was you. NDJH have attempted to destroy our union to benefit themselves.

I know you won’t answer questions because you know you are wrong. Was it despicable of nick to cheat on two wives and ruin two families? Or are only opinions on hardships despicable because that fits your agenda.

Wa sit despicable for Mary, to get on another candidates town hall with the intent to cause chaos and discord? She wasn’t there looking for information on who to vote for. She was there trying to fuck with the President of our union for nicks gain?

That’s stuffs okay because it fits your agenda so go somewhere else little guy this isn’t your league
You attacked an innocent family over the internet. You harmed people you don’t even know for no reason. Despicable. Just because they support a candidate does not make them free game for your trolling or humiliation.
You attacked an innocent family over the internet. You harmed people you don’t even know for no reason. Despicable. Just because they support a candidate does not make them free game for your trolling or humiliation.
Explain the attack on an innocent family. That’s the most dramatic thing I’ve ever heard. Are you saying me thinking a hardship wasn’t legit, after Nicks campaign manager went on rich town hall screaming he was a liar, was an attack on a family? Mick had a family so when she calls mick a liar is that an attack on a family? She’s calling a husband and a father a liar? Nahhh because again it doesn’t fit your agenda. Disagreeing with a hardship is not an attack on a family and it’s sad you’re trying to spread it that way.
You’re so funny. All your ASSumptions just prove my point. Your level? I’m sure no one wants to be on your level because you are completely unstable and have no idea what you’re talking about. For the record, you haven’t provided a single fact for your arguments you just keep blabbing based on things you’ve heard from other people. You’ve clearly been left out of the in-crowd and fish for information on forums to build your “cases.” It’s pathetic. I think I figured out who you are, and if I’m right… all the more reason to have very little respect for you. Now fuck off.
There has definitely been quite a few things Lenny has been correct about before it was out and available prior to officially being announced by the NEB/National.
You attacked an innocent family over the internet. You harmed people you don’t even know for no reason. Despicable. Just because they support a candidate does not make them free game for your trolling or humiliation.
Wait wait wait are you the guy who’s friends with Alex’s arvp and got your regional position because of that?
Lol This all makes sense now!! You’re worried about losing your regional job is Alex loses and Alex is a die hard Nick boy so you have to be too! Oh man another person about losing their scam position on these forums. This is great! I’ll drop who you are soon don’t worry
You’re just saying this because I mentioned having an idea of who YOU are. Get a life, bro. You AND your one advocate.
Lol This all makes sense now!! You’re worried about losing your regional job is Alex loses and Alex is a die hard Nick boy so you have to be too! Oh man another person about losing their scam position on these forums. This is great! I’ll drop who you are soon don’t worry
I don’t have a regional or local position. Just a controller on the boards. But that doesn’t fit your narrative I guess.
The amount of people vilified, told they should be fired (one particular former RVP comes to mind..), and blatantly told not to expect representation for refusing the vaccines due to medical and religious reasons is one of the saddest chapters in our Union's history.
Mick Devine was one that said he supported members being fired for not getting the vax.
The amount of people vilified, told they should be fired (one particular former RVP comes to mind..), and blatantly told not to expect representation for refusing the vaccines due to medical and religious reasons is one of the saddest chapters in our Union's history.
I remember thinking how quickly NATCA came out against Trump executive orders and when Biden said vax or fired NATCA was crickets. My best resources during that time was a supervisor on the east coast who was in the same boat. (I’m west coast)… How on earth did we get to the point where NATCA blatantly ignored dues paying members and turned them to management resources.
I remember thinking how quickly NATCA came out against Trump executive orders and when Biden said vax or fired NATCA was crickets. My best resources during that time was a supervisor on the east coast who was in the same boat. (I’m west coast)… How on earth did we get to the point where NATCA blatantly ignored dues paying members and turned them to management resources.
Rich and Andrew were balls deep in the vax and masks.

And a lot of our co-workers loved it.
Not giving a fuck what non members think is absolutely not part of the problem. Punitive action against members or leaders for differing opinions/actions? Yea, huge problem if that’s happening. If that’s what you’re getting at
Happens all the time brother. Members being shut out from being involved or taking on union work because they didn’t meet the approval of the NATCA clique at the facility.
The same people bitching about how natca responded against the masks/vaccine mandate are the same ones crying about not getting hazard pay

Moral of the story: everybody bitches about anything and everything
Poor take

If the government is gonna implement work protocol mandating vaccines, making people work on crews, requiring hazard cleanings if someone tests positive, and all the other things that were put in place for essential employees working in hazardous conditions, then those employees are entitled to hazard pay. Regardless if an individual believes the measures are needed or not, the government and the rest of the world was treating it as a deadly pandemic that controllers and other essential employees were forced to work through

So yes you can bitch about not getting hazard pay while also believing you don't need a vaccine or mask

But yes people will bitch about absolutely everything
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