
I (for whatever reason) thought that the new A80 MOU meant that my husband could now get out of his facility that keeps wavering between green and red. Like you were saying, he "never put in their paperwork because their facility wasn't eligible to release anyone with this new crap system, but now they can get out." But after talking with HR today, she said that the ERRs from any red facility do not even get sent to the selection panel next week. Now I'm super worried that his facility will be red when they pull the list next week.

Is this understanding correct? An employee from a red facility cannot even be looked at on an NCEPT panel?
That doesn't make sense, since it's not subject to the National Release Policy, which establishes the Cat I and II
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I went back and read the MOU and to me it looks like it doesn't apply to the National Release Policy when it comes to release dates only. Which section do you think means it doesn't apply completely? I sure hope you're correct!
Wow... So apparently no one was supposed to know that they are holding a special panel for A80 selections next week. Of course, this is the FAA so naturally nothing stays secret for long. They were going to run the panel to select from old ERRs. Since word got out, they have received at least ONE HUNDRED extra ERRs for A80.

I don't think they will need to shell out move money.
Where did you hear that this was supposed to stay secret?
The NRP is what establishes that if you're not cat I or II you can't get a release until you reach that level. If the NRP doesn't apply, then there should be nothing that prevents releases from any facility

Shouldn't someone let the Southern Region ERR lady know this? Lmao! I would hope she doesn't exclude ERRs because she thinks that she has to when in fact she doesn't.
On topic to A80 please. Plenty of other threads for discussing ncept/hardships/etc.
That's great. They have experience and may be more likely to succeed, but how long can we continue to advocate shitting on lower level facilities. Those slots that the high level TRACON guys vacate won't go to guys progressing their careers, they'll go to fucking new hires.

I get really sick of the perception that just because you were hired on at a certain level facility you're automatically garbage and not worthy.

I'm sorry but I was stoked to get my foot in the door and go to a 7 and get a radar ticket because "that's the key to opening all the doors". I bid for several 12s, as well as an 8, a 9 and 2 10s. I don't expect the 12s, but think it would be nice to move up to one of the middle range facilities I put in for
No one is shitting on the low level facilities, but there is absolutely no reason that a low level transfer or VRA, CTI, OTS should be picked/sent here, or any of the busier tracons, for their first facility. Absolutely, no reason at all. Some have been successful, sure, but everyone should be working their way up. Transfers should have say a 4 level cap. There is no service done for the busier facilities (trainer fatigue/money spent/etc) or the flying public for people to be sent here with those backgrounds and hope they make it.
If you're at a facility besides (C90, D10, N90, or LAX), you shall be given a priority release date to come to A80. 3 months or at the employee's discretion, up to 12 months. (No more than one release per 6 months. Only applies if staffing doesn't permit)

Release dates are first come, first serve (so different panels). If multiple people apply and are selected at the same time, seniority determines release date.

Releases are NOT subject to the current NCEPT process, but can be agency initiated to be lifer but requires the VP of Air Traffic Services for the agency to sign off with a written justification.

Training failures are sent directly back to their prior facility.

Releases don't affect those already released to other facility and this will apply for the entire Slate Book.


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How long should I wait for a FOL before I bug them about not yet getting one? Selection was 10/3, TOL was 10/13. Getting impatient.
How long should I wait for a FOL before I bug them about not yet getting one? Selection was 10/3, TOL was 10/13. Getting impatient.
I believe you need a release date for a FOL, once that is cleared up I would jump on it asap. It took about 3 weeks for my FOL last NCEPT round, and since you were selected on a special session, there should be a little less on HR's docket.
I believe you need a release date for a FOL, once that is cleared up I would jump on it asap. It took about 3 weeks for my FOL last NCEPT round, and since you were selected on a special session, there should be a little less on HR's docket.

Thanks. The hold up is actually my release date. My ATM has had two weeks so far since hearing from HR, and still hasn’t gotten back to them. A week of that spent deep sea fishing in Cabo is no excuse. Haha!
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