Anyone Hear of OKC Closures?

Depending on what they say tomorrow, I may as well just move to OKC and find a gig down there. Cheaper than where I'm at now and if I gotta live in my car then at least it's warm down there.
I’m here now it ain’t warm.. rainy and cold but gas is 1.24 so you got that going for you.
I’m here now it ain’t warm.. rainy and cold but gas is 1.24 so you got that going for you.
Exactly.. and with gas this cheap you may as well just pour a few gallons on yourself and light yourself on fire. It will be less stressful than navigating this whole cluster and hey, at least then you'll be warm for under a fiver.
Copied from the 2019 hiring thread

Received an email from my rep at 5:40 PM CST-

All march classes are postponed, April TBD
Real talk though. This massive overreaction is gonna wreck me (and others.) I have to be moved out by the 18th so they can clean the place and get it ready for the new move in on the 23rd. If I have to find housing, I need to find a way to make the first month + security find a place that will let me stay there anywhere from 2 weeks to to months. This may end up with me abandoning ATC altogether for the sake of my financial sanity.

did u 'bandon bro?
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