August (Q4) 2024


(Rules will be updated when available)

  • Sunday, August 4th: ERR Submission Deadline (must be received by 23:59EST)
  • Monday, August 5th: Facilities shall update SWB (must be completed by 8:30am EST)
  • Tuesday, August 6th: HR Staffing Workbook entries completed by 8:30 am EST)
  • Wednesday, August 7th: Special NCEPT Facility Priority Placement Tool run
  • Friday, August 9th: NCEPT data run (Every ERR package must be uploaded by 8:30 am EST)
  • Monday, August 12th: HR resume upload begins
  • Friday, August 16th: HR resume upload complete
  • Monday, August 19th: Manager Ranking List published (Opened)
  • Friday, August 23rd: Manager Ranking List completed (Closed)
  • Monday, August 26th: P21 prepares data for NCEPT board
  • Wednesday, August 28th: NCEPT convenes/adjourns
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