Can you get out of hard to staff facilities on a sup bid?


Or is there some way the agency can trap you? I'm considering trying to go to one of the priority release places for the massive pay raise... In the event I actually got it, could I get out of there on a supervisor bid to somewhere else or does the agency have a way to prevent me from taking the promotions other than a 2-year release?
Or is there some way the agency can trap you? I'm considering trying to go to one of the priority release places for the massive pay raise... In the event I actually got it, could I get out of there on a supervisor bid to somewhere else or does the agency have a way to prevent me from taking the promotions other than a 2-year release?
At my shortstaffed facility, I was told that the RVP said no more deviations from my facility. We have lost many people on a supervisor bids, and now those that are applying are being told no
The FAA has been stealing staffing from the facility I work at for sup bids all the time. They get to break the rules they set for themselves all the time. However the opposite was true too. Allegedly (I haven’t confirmed this yet) a N90 controller attempted to apply to our sup bid and it was shutdown.
At my shortstaffed facility, I was told that the RVP said no more deviations from my facility. We have lost many people on a supervisor bids, and now those that are applying are being told no
Are you sure your RVP wasn’t talking about a deviation for a support specialist outbound hypothetically? I don’t think NATCA has anything at all to do with management deviations but I could be wrong I suppose.
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So screw all the members that are trapped at their first facility? There's gotta be some way other than quit or scam to get home. Some people actually want to be with their family.
Telling me. My wife divorced me and took my kids to Mexico and they didn’t want to approve my hardship to be closer to them. The FAA and natca really doesn’t care about your situation
Are you sure your RVP wasn’t talking about a deviation for a support specialist outbound hypothetically? I don’t think NATCA has anything at all to do with management deviations but I could be wrong I suppose.
Affirmative. I’m sure it was the FAAs idea but who I got the info from was the RVP.
At my shortstaffed facility, I was told that the RVP said no more deviations from my facility. We have lost many people on a supervisor bids, and now those that are applying are being told no
It’s clear the FAA side is telling the union no more deviations so it sounds good but then turn around and deviate
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So screw all the members that are trapped at their first facility? There's gotta be some way other than quit or scam to get home. Some people actually want to be with their family.
I wouldn’t worry about it, NATCA in Washington has not accomplished anything tangible since they helped abolish the BQ all those years ago.
Yes....and no
The FAA wants you to be successful and have a good career...on paper.
Let's say you are the BEST candidate on this bid. The new ATM calls yours for a release date and no surprise it's 52 weeks. They can hold you up to a year but not deny you career progression.

Well someone at a well staffed facility who barely meets the requirements is available now. Who gets selected?

It's not just sup bids either. Tons of level 5 people get into 12 tmu, supervisor, support specialist etc.

Not hating but the best plan is to bid facilities worse staffed than yours or with exceptions when those mou come out. If you get to (n90, a80, zma, zjx) during those special times you are NOT in the staffing number. When can we let a trainee go?
Tons of level 5 people get into 12 tmu, supervisor, support specialist etc.
I have never felt more personally attacked in my life 🤣
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If you are at an understaffed facility that can’t certify people quickly I would start looking for other employment. Unless you are at a 4-7 tower that certifies quickly and gets academy grads you are looking at being stuck for a long time.
They can hold you up to a year but not deny you career progression.
If that person is selected, a deviation is requested through the service area. Then there's 3 levels of people to concur/non-concur with a release. Then the COO makes the ultimate approval/denial.
If it's denied, a TOL is never issued and the candidate is most likely never even told they were selected.

So, yes, career progression is definitely denied.
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